Chapter 11

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They're bringing me into lockdown.

That's what they called it. I'd call it 'we're taking away your freedom and keeping you prisoner.'

Mere moments ago, Aizawa dragged me here along with Mirio and Eri. Nezu, Midnight, and a few other teachers were waiting there for me and went absolutely nuts on me.

"How could you sneak out like that y/n!" Midnight raises her voice.

"And get drunk! In Tokyo it's a serious crime to drink as a minor!" Nezu points out.
"Well blame the person who gave it to me-" I'm cut off.

"You're in serious danger y/n! We're trying to help you! Don't you see that?!" Another teacher chimes in.

This conversation continues on. Again they call it a 'talk', I'd call it a 'lecture'.

That's when I stormed out.

My annoyance was at a brink. I felt very hungover and my patience was at zero.

I run down the stairs and make it pretty far. Relief washing over me the further from the office I get. I hear a pair of shoes quickly squeaking the floor behind me. Approaching.

A muscular hand grabs my arm, "Y/n."

I turn to see Mirio.

He readjusts his arms to hover my shoulders. He's in pep talk mode. I can tell.

"Y/n, I understand you must be angry. That's totally fair. I know it must be hard to hear that you'll be going into a quarantine. You must be scared, but you should remember the teachers are trying to help."

My anger slowly subsides the longer I listen.

"Do you want to go back to the office? Or I could summarize what their plan is for you? Whatever you want," Mirio continues to calm me down.

"I don't want to go back to the office," I state firmly. The last thing I want is to be in the same room with Nezu.

"Okay," He nods. "I'll go back and get Eri then. We could all grab lunch in the cafeteria together. How does that sound?"

I nod smiling.

"Okay great," He gives me a thumbs up before running back up the stairs. In the direction of the office.

I wait for ten-ish minutes before I see Mirio and Eri come into view.

We all head to the cafeteria together. I'm guessing while Mirio was there he told the teachers the new plan.

After grabbing lunch from Lunch Rush we sat down at a table.

Mirio begins to make ideal chit chat with Eri. He asks her what she wants to be when she's older. Like any other kid here, she replies enthusiastically, 'Hero!'

Mirio turns to me, "What about you y/n?"

"What?" I poke at my food.

"What do you want to be? Y'know once you've graduated?"

"I don't know. Haven't given it much thought," I shrug.

His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open, "You don't know what you want to be?!"

I take a bite out of my food, "Yeah, what's so crazy about that?"

He remembers that I'm not from this world, "Nothing."

I hum. Eri interrupts telling us what her hero name would be.

Mirio eventually tells me what the teacher's plan is for me. When he said it to me, it seemed more reasonable. They're planning on not letting me leave UA campus without a hero or one of the hero class students accompanying me. I also need permission to leave. So I'm not a complete prisoner. At least not yet. Also they plan for me to sleep in a dorm with someone else. Basically I have to be someone's roommate. And that's it so far.

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