Chapter 3- Constance

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Erika's POV (Point of view)


There was a knock at the door.

Ben was out. The odd girl was at at school- I'd heard her name was Violet.
She was currently enduring her first day at the nearby high school- Westfield High.
I was very familiar with that place, you could say.

Vivian made her way to the front door, opening to see Moira.
I stood hidden at the top of the stairs. As my eyes rested on Moira, I sighed quietly.
She was doing it again, still playing the house maid.

I watched as Moira introduced herself, Vivian clearly wanting her to leave so she could get back to whatever she was doing.
She went on to recite the exact same speech she had given the last couple who lived here- how she was the house maid, and how she didn't work for much because she loved the house and knew it very well.

Vivian refused at first, but eventually after more bargaining from Moira, she said yes.


Night rolled in.
The Violet girl had come back from Westfield earlier, visibly not very happy.
I guessed the first day went well...

The whole family had gone out for a meal somewhere at a nearby restaurant. I had overheard the conversation between Ben and Vivian earlier as he was insisting they go out for a fancy meal to celebrate their "fresh start"- whatever that meant.

I was wandering around the house, noticing how it was slowly beginning to look different now with all the new items on the shelves and stuff.
The new owners belongings were very modern- a style that took me a while to get used to.
I was used to my 90's era. I supposed every spirit in this god forsaken place still felt trapped in their time era still too.

I made my way down to the kitchen, instantly noticing Moira casually cleaning the table tops and cabinets.

I relaxed for a moment, not sensing any other spirit around.
Sometimes I would talk to Moira. I liked her a lot.
I was somewhat glad she had integrated into the family as the house maid again, I would see her more often now.
She would often keep herself hidden too, mostly because of Constance...

Moira looked up and toward the doorway where I stood.

"My girl" she wearily smiled at me, pausing her polishing of the cabinet. She rested her arms by her side as she did.
"There you are"

I smiled at her words.
"Here I am"

She put down the cleaning cloth and motioned toward the seats at the island in the middle of the kitchen.
I obliged and pulled out a seat, sitting on it.

"So" I started.
"The house has a maid again"

"Finally" she nodded, her timid little voice something that felt so comforting to me.
"This house is always in need of a family, and the family needs a maid"

I chuckled slightly, her words obviously having a sort of sarcasm to them, a double meaning at least.

"What do you think?" I asked her, meaning the new owners.

"They have troubles" she replied, picking her cloth up again.
"That man has done something, that's why they're here"

I raised my brows.
"I knew there was something. He mentioned a fresh start"

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