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Colossus and Rogue ran forwards, pursued by an assailant. "This way!" Rogue shouted as they ran into Storm. "Storm, they're everywhere!"

"Stay together." Storm warned her. "Where's Iceman? Shadowcat?"

Elsewhere, Bobby froze several missiles headed for Kit. He smiled at him, oblivious to a third missile headed for him. "Bobby!" Kit dove forward, phasing himself and Bobby, allowing the missiles to pass right through.

"Thanks." Bobby told him as they parted.

"Watch it, lasers!" Storm shouted.

BAMF! Kurt and Grace appeared just in time for her to use her force field. The missiles shot right at her, bouncing off the force field. Grace looked up to see Logan. "How much time?"

"Two minutes, tops." Grace answers as she manipulates daggers in her hands. She throws them to where the missiles came from.

"How many?" Logan turned to her.

"Can't tell." She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe three."

"The hell is she thinking?" Logan casually strolled over to the bunker where Storm crouched, watching approaching searchlights.

"Logan!" As Logan approached her, Bobby, Rogue, Jubilee and Kit arrived. Colossus trailed Logan. BAMF! Kurt and Grace appeared. "All right, everyone in position. We move out together." Before they could form up, a motor exploded a few feet away. Everyone took cover in the bunker. Storm and Logan leaned against a wall. "Logan, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Enjoying the scenery." He smiled at her. "You?"

"This isn't a game." She reminded him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Storm glared at him. "Those things are a lot closer now. You're just gonna stand there?"

"You gonna follow me lead?" She asked.

"Yeah, whatever." He brushed her off.

Storm sighed and addressed everyone else. "We stay in formation, no matter what. Let's go."

They exited the bunker. Three massive Sentinels towered over them. "Well, this shouldn't take long." Logan turned to Colossus. "Tin man. How's your throwing arm?"

"It's decent." Piotr shrugged his shoulders.

"Logan!" Storm screamed at him. "We work as a team!"

"Throw me." He ordered Piotr. He spun Logan around once and threw him up to the Sentinel. BOOM! A Sentinel head plopped to the ground, Logan riding it all the way down. He leaped off and dusted his shoulders. "You tell me how that works out."

"Maverick, Colossus, Nightcrawler, take the left with Logan. Rogue, Iceman, Jubilee, Shadowcat, you're with me."

They split up. Kit phased through the Sentinel's leg, causing it to spark as Jubilee used her powers to electrocute it. Bobby created an ice slide to slow the Sentinel's leg and Storm finished it off by hitting it with a tornado.

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