chapter six

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"It's you."

The words rang through Valentine's head as his vision went blurry.

They remembered, of course they did. How could someone make a scene like that without them remembering?

Valentine looks at the men, fear ridden through his eyes. The air in the room felt thick with the space they took up.

He was able to get a real look at the men once he refocused on the room, this time without the door of their office in his way.

They were both tall, extremely tall. At least a foot taller than him. And they were wide too, even bigger than Caroline's husband, with bulging muscles that looked like they could burst through the seams of their well pressed expensive suits.

He couldn't find an imperfection anywhere.

And don't even get him started on their hair. One of theirs was trimmed neatly, beautifully pushed back with gel and his face was cleanly shaven. The dark brown looked gorgeous on him.

The other one was a completely different story with his dirty blonde hair that was outgrown just enough for it to look even sexier. It was a messy look but he pulled it off. And his short, thick beard looked amazing with it as well.

They were both the perfect specimens, beautiful in their own way.

Goodness, what was wrong with him? Valentine thought.

"You know him?" He hears Caroline ask quickly, breaking him from his trance.

"Yes, we know him." The one with the dark brown hair bites out, taking multiple long strides to place himself in front of Valentine. The other one stayed glued near the door leaning against the wall, observing the exchange in silence.

Valentine backs away instinctively, quickly running into one of the tables in the room.

"He's the guy that was watching Maverick and I the other day in our office. For all we know he could be spying on us, trying to get our information or trying to steal from us." The guy he now concludes as Greyson spits out, complete anger written all over his face.

"Relax, Grey, look at the poor guy. He's harmless." Maverick, he presumes, finally speaks up from his perch against the wall. The one with the beautiful dirty blonde hair.

Greyson shakes his head, addressing the man for only a moment before continuing, "We looked at his resume, you know. He's not qualified whatsoever. He's had one job in his life, which wasn't in the field, and has no references. What were you thinking?" He's almost yelling at this point as he turns towards Caroline.

"I was thinking that he was a very sweet boy who would give this job his everything. And I was also thinking that you're an ass, Greyson. Get over yourself and stop being such a dick, I can feel your testosterone from here." She mutters the last part quietly, obviously knowing her way around dealing with these men.

Valentine had to hold back a giggle at her words but he still couldn't help but feel bad.

They were right, he didn't have the experience and he had no clue what he was doing.

Greyson took a step closer to Valentine, closing the already small gap between them, making the boy flinch at his abrupt movement.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Greyson whispers, a look of hurt crossing over his features at the thought. But he squares himself up almost immediately.

Valentine wasn't convinced and he definitely wasn't loving the proximity to the man.

He was intimidating, his large, looming frame. But he couldn't deny the fact that he was drawn to the man's scent. It's woodsy. Almost like a burning fire with a bit of vanilla in it. Valentine hated how much he liked it.

With a gulp he said, "You're not wrong. I don't know what I'm doing. But I promise I don't take this for granted. I know this is all just pity but I'm not in the place to deny the help right now." Greyson just stared at him, his eyes looking like they were made of steel.

"I need this job, so I promise you I will do everything I can to keep it." Tears begin to swim in Valentine's eyes as he finishes with his outburst. He's never been one to speak up for himself but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"I see." Greyson finally replies, seeming to search Valentine's face for any sign of a lie. When he doesn't find one he says, "I'll give it a chance. But as of right now you're on probation. You have a month to prove to Maverick and I that you've got what it takes. If anything, and I mean anything, happens you're out." He says reluctantly. The deepness of his voice pulls a shiver from Valentine's small body.

"Y-yes, sir." He answers, blinking back a few tears.

Without another word Greyson turned on his heels and exited the break room. Leaving only Caroline and Maverick left with Valentine.

"Don't mind him. He's a bit of a dick sometimes." Maverick says as he moves from his spot on the wall and approaches Valentine carefully. "Valentine, was it?" He asks.

"Yes, sir." He says quickly, ducking his eyes to the floor. Now that there was a threat of probation he had to make sure he was perfect.

He wouldn't make too much noise, he wouldn't be seen. He'd just do his work and leave. No one would even know he was there.

"None of that, Valentine. Maverick will do just fine." The large man assures. He's much nicer than Greyson, Valentine notes.

"Yes, sir." He says on instinct. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, Maverick." He quickly fixes himself. He wasn't used to addressing men like that. Even with Christopher he'd been expected to call him sir. Getting to use a first name was a rarity.

"Much better." He praises. "Well, now that that's settled, I'll see myself out. I look forward to working with you Valentine." Hearing his name come from the man's mouth did things to his body that he hadn't really felt before. Not to mention the warmth he felt at the littlest of complements.

"Well that didn't necessarily go as planned, did it?" Caroline finally speaks up as Maverick exits the room, presumably to go find Greyson.

"They don't like me very much do they?" Valentine asks as he wipes at his eyes.

"I wouldn't say that, darling. Greyson doesn't like anyone and Maverick actually seems quite smitten with you if I don't say so myself." She says with a grin, walking up to Valentine and placing her hand on top of his arm. She hesitates a moment before beginning to rub up and down, trying her best to comfort him.

"Now," She says enthusiastically after a moment. "I think it's time I actually get to training you, huh?" Valentine nods, feeling much better after that bit of physical contact.

"Thank you." He whispers out into the room. He wasn't thanking her for training him, even though she was doing a really good job at it. No, he was thanking her for everything else. Every time in the week he'd known her that she'd stuck up for him and said all of the things he wanted to say for himself but didn't have the guts to actually do it.

"Of course, hon." She says with a knowing smile.

Apparently he wasn't alone after all, he thought. And he was beginning to also think that he might be right.


hey loves! a bit of a shorter chapter today but i hope you liked it!! this was the first chapter i wrote where it started to feel really effortless to write dialogue. kinda like the characters were getting more familiar to me so that was really cool!

anyways what do we think of greyson and maverick??

i really love them, im really excited to write the character progression!!

okay don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and comment letting me know what you think!!

i hope you all have a lovely day/night and i'll see you next friday <33

quick little rant,,, conan grays new album came out today!!!!!!! im literally so excited, andddd a new chappell roan song, today is amazing

okay sorry i had to get that out :))

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