chapter seven

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The smell of smoke filled Valentine's nose as he practically ran to the kitchen from his previous spot in the living room. He had been resting his eyes for a few minutes while he waited for dinner to finish up in the oven but he'd accidentally fallen asleep.

It was getting easier and easier to do that now that he was getting farther along in his first pregnancy.

"Shoot." He mumbled as he grabbed a kitchen towel and pulled the steaming tray from the oven. Dark smoke billowed from the burnt chicken as he fanned at it frantically, trying to get it to minimize before Christopher returned home from work.

That didn't work out though as he soon heard the front door open and slam shut, heavy footsteps crossing into the kitchen.

"What the fuck did you do?" He hears Christopher's booming voice in his ears almost immediately.

"I-I'm so sorry, Christopher, I-I didn-t mean too, I p-promise." Valentine stutters out, flinching when he hears the loud bang of his fiance's fist hitting the counter top.

"What the fuck, Valentine? You can't do anything right, you know that? Fucking useless." He growls out as he turns the stove off and looks back towards Valentine. "And it's 'sir' to you, slut. Fuck it up again and you'll regret it!" Valentine shook under the intensity of his glare, almost sobbing on the spot.

"Y-Yes, sir." He mumbled, eyes as low to the floor as they could get.

"Know your place, bitch." He yells, swiftly slapping him across the face with enough force to make Valentine fall to his knees. "This is where you should be, on your knees at my disposal. It's the only thing you're good at considering you can't even cook a fucking dinner. Not that it would've tasted any good anyways." Valentine shudders at the sound of Christopher's belt buckle being undone.

"I mean fuck, I go to work, I pay for everything in this goddamn house and all you can do is mess it all up. All I wanted when I got home from a long day of fucking work was a nice meal and you failed at that too." Valentine heard the belt wrap around his fiance's fist. He heard the smoothness of the leather, could practically feel it on his skin already.

This wasn't the first time this had occurred but it never seemed to get easier. His only hope was that Christopher would go easy on him this time but he knew that was unrealistic.

Valentine had messed up. He deserved this. He deserved everything that happened to him.

All he could do was cross his fingers and wish that whatever Christopher did wouldn't hurt the baby.

"Why am I punishing you?" Christopher asked, voice cold as stone.

"I-I messed up dinner." Valentine said, tears steadily dripping from his eyes now. He couldn't stop them and he refused to try. It was too much, it was all just too much.

"And?" He prodded, voice sounding like it was right in Valentine's ear. The closeness sent chills up his spine.

"I d-dissapointed you." He said through a sob.

Christopher only grunted in response.

"Take your shirt off." He ordered after a few moments of silence. Valentine quickly complied, not wanting to make his punishment any worse.

As soon as his skin was bare the belt began to land. He felt the searing pain on his back, heard the loud slap of the belt as it echoed off of his flesh. He could tell the exact moment that the old wounds of the last beating began to open up again and he could hear the blood as it dripped on the hardwood floor.

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