chapter twelve

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It's been two weeks since Valentine's awkward bus interaction with Greyson and Maverick and nothing seemed to be getting much better. Maverick was nice and cordial but he noticed that the man had kept his distance since that night. Greyson had also been getting a bit harsher, if that was even possible.

He's been shorter in meetings, more hot-tempered. One wrong move and the man would snap.

Valentine's tried his best though. When they got harsher he worked harder.

Every morning he comes in at least thirty minutes early. He'd tidy up the office, make all of the copies for the day, and have coffee waiting for the men by the time they strode into the building.

This morning was no different.

Valentine woke up around 5:30, getting himself ready and packing a brown bagged lunch for Luca. When that was done he woke Luca up and got the sleepy boy dressed for daycare. It was a bit of a struggle but with a promise of a nap later in the day the boy was good to go.

Then, the two of them hustled to the bus stop to catch the 6:30 am ride and made their way to the daycare.

Drop-off went as smoothly as Valentine could have wished for. Luca let out a few tired tears but it was nothing new. Valentine always struggled to leave his baby when he saw him so sad but he didn't have a choice. He had to work so that one day he could afford to spend all day with his boy.

Valentine walked teary-eyed to the office, holding his stomach as a reminder of what he was doing all of this for. It would all pay off in the end when his baby and his toddler were happy and healthy.

Flash forward to now; Valentine's been standing in line at the cafe for a while waiting on Maverick and Greyson's coffee order.

Everything this morning had gone according to plan minus a few shed tears. He just had to get this coffee up to the men and then he could get started on his work day.

He'd do what he's done for the past few weeks; keep his head low and stay quiet. They couldn't be mad at him if they barely noticed he was there.

That's been the plan and it will be for the foreseeable future until they start liking him again.

If they ever do.

He pushes that thought aside when his drinks get called at the counter, quickly rushing forward to grab them. He halts in his movement when he gets an unsettling feeling in his stomach. What little he had for dinner last night threatens to make a reappearance, making him forget all about the coffee. Slapping a hand over his mouth, he redirects his movements as he tries to find a bathroom as fast as possible.

This was not how Valentine wanted his morning to go.


Where the fuck is he? Greyson thinks as he paces his office with long strides. It's eight in the morning, he should be here by now.

Every morning, without fail, Valentine is in the office offering Greyson, and Maverick if he's there, his coffee. It's coming up on 8:05 now and he still isn't here.

Countless thoughts rushed through Greyson's head.

Had he gotten hurt?

Was he lost in the building?

Did someone do something to him?

He stopped those fears from getting to his head though. Instead, he turned his fear into anger.

It wasn't on purpose, Greyson just loved to be in control. He needed it, craved it even.

Valentine gave him the complete opposite.

He was unpredictable. Anytime Greyson thought he had him pinned down a new layer would peel off like the second job at the diner or him taking the bus to and from work.

Greyson didn't like it, he didn't like it at all.

"Greyson, man, calm the fuck down. It's probably just a late bus or something." Maverick says when he enters their shared office. He played it cool but Greyson knew he was worried about Valentine too.

Greyson doesn't reply, simply lets out a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat and leaves the office. His nerves were going haywire trying to rationalize why Valentine would be late. The rational side of his brain knew that nothing was wrong but he couldn't settle until he searched the office from top to bottom.

He's sure he looks like a madman throwing open endless doors and slamming them shut after he sees no sign of Valentine. There are more important things than his image though.

He makes his way through a multitude of floors, fuming more and more with each step he takes.

"Have you seen Valentine this morning?" He asks the receptionist on the bottom floor of the building. He doesn't interact with her much so he doesn't bother with pleasantries.

She looks up from her desk, tapping a pen against her mouse pad rhythmically. The noise made Greyson want to snap it in half. "Oh, Mr. Hawke! What a surprise!" She practically shrieks. He lets out a sneer at the words.

"Look, Lisa, I don't have time for this. Can you just tell me if you've seen him?" He asks, losing patience with every passing second.

"Actually it's 'Lindsey'!" She says, smacking her lips together as she drops the pen and moves her hand to start twirling a strand of long bleached blonde hair around her finger. "Who did you want, again?" She bats her eyelashes this time and it takes everything in Greyson not to roll her eyes.

"Valentine, my assistant."

"Oh, that freak? No, I haven't seen him this morning. He's probably late. Seems like something he would do. I knew he wasn't a good fit, you know. I told Caroline but she wouldn't listen. You should really talk to her. Maybe even ask for me instead. I'd be a really good assist-"

"Enough, you're obviously no help." He dismisses, turning on his heel after uttering, "And if you talk about him like that again I'll see to it that you're fired immediately."

He leaves a gobsmacked Lindsey behind, deciding that he'd try the ground-level bathroom next.

Greyson storms through the door, taking a second to look under a few of the stalls. He thinks the bathroom is empty until he hears shuffling coming from the last stall.



hey loves!!  bit of a surprise update for you all cuz i was feeling really good about the last chapter!! you guys are literally so sweet its amazing. it feels really good to know that you guys like the stuff that i enjoy writing <3333

anyway the book is finally getting to the good stuff!!  i know this chapter is kind of short and it ends on a bit of cliff hanger but i hope the wait till friday will be worth it! 

thank you all so much for reading im so grateful for you all! please please please let me know what you thought of the chapter and dont forget to vote and follow as well! i hope you all have a lovely day/night, ill see you in a few days!!

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