Chapter 3

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You know those times where you think your day is already as bad as it is, and it could never get any worse? Well its a fucking LIE! My day just went from 0 to -100 real quick! Getting drenched in water was the worst part, Whatever! yes it was, I am really happy I didn't wear one of my normal attire or I would really be in detention for some stupid guy reasons. 

The handsom men in front of me were non other than some boys I really disliked when I first got here. Hmm who could they be you may ask? Well I don't really know their names. If I did I wouldn't be calling one of them Dirt Bag. 

The teacher didn't even wake up when I dropped my bag of books from where I was standing. Idiot. I couldn't be any angrier than I was at the moment, Dirt Bag and his friends were just staring and laughing! WHY! Does he have some laughing gas in his bag? Literally I always see him laughing. 

I hurry and pick up my bag and rush to the middle of the desk but on an outer corner of the room. I was not about to sit by those guys and their princess Dirt Bag. Dirt Bag was in the middle of them both, the guy on the left wasnt bad looking at all, actually really cute. He had blonde hair that shines a lot might I say, he had green eyes that look really hot. The guy on the right has a goth look but actually really hot, his hair is black and curves just above his eyes, he has a dark blue beanie on and makes the dark blue V neck with black pants really good together. He isn't a tiny twig either, he actually has some muscle that isn't to big for his look, I give him a 10. Now Dirt Bag changed into im guessing his usual attire  maybe after his other cloths got blood on it, lets just take a moment to grace the world for nose bleeds. Amen!

Anywho, he looks a lot better like this, he has on a white t shirt with dark blue jeans on his hair is a little messed up so it looks really good. His nose doesn't have blood splattered all over it, which is not always a good thing. And the really bad thing is he looks super hot. 

I got out one of my journals and started sketching in it, I didn't have time to waste with these nobodies. 


"Hey" I here a murmur. 

"Doodle Bug, wake up" Who the heck is Doodle Bug.

My arm is asleep now, I'm not sure why. And I'm so comfortable. Can't people just leave me alone I don't wanna talk.

"Do you think if we hit her with a book she would wake up?" I heard someone say.

"I don't know, but lets try it." another guy said. WHO are they talking about? 

All I remember was me, sketching in my journal. HOLY CRAP ON A STICK!! I must have fallen asleep, but I have never fell asleep in class? I don't know, I do remember this one kid who always fell asleep in class, his name was Justin Vandoven. I know right, weird last name. Any who, he always fell asleep in third period and it was so aggravating. He always had saliva drooling out onto his Chemistry book, and he snored like an Ogar on weed. It wasn't pleasant. But me? Oh no, I never fell asleep. I have no clue how I did actually. 

With these nobodies in here why would I even attempt. 

I sat up really quick remembering what the boy had said, "Look the Beast has Awaken!" some dude that sounded awfully like Dirt Bag said.

I turned my head to the side and Goth dude said, "Hey Sunshine" he was right in front of me. He smells good. His eyes fixed everything, they are so pretty.

"Hey?" I hesitantly said my voice sounding like I have been sleeping for a while, because I have no clue why he was in front of me. Just staring at me from the side, not awkward at all. 

"Really Cody! You woke her up!" Dirt Bag said, I yawned into my hand and started stretching. Well I guess Goth dude can be Cody. I kinda like the name anyways.

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