1. Alex

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"Alex." June grabbed Alex hair from his behind who is packing his clothes.

Alex is moving to Paris for his law studies. He badly needs a new atmosphere for the distractions and he thinks Paris is a best place for that. He always loves being there, even though he doesn't know anyone there that city never failed to excites him. And he hopes no one gives a shit about that fact Alex is FSOTUS.

"Yeah." Alex smiles and looks June through his shoulder.

"I can't believe you are leaving." June sighs and sits on the bed.

"Don't be dramatic June. You are one who pushed me to move to another place." Alex smirks at June.

"Yeah. But I didn't mean another Continent. I didn't even thought about another country. You have gone so far Alex." Alex can see a clear worried face of June.

"June. C'mon."

"I'm worried about you Alex. You didn't even make friends. How do my baby brother survive there."

"I'm not child June. And you know I used to be an expert in making friends." He continues to fold his clothes.

"It was years ago. But now you're shit at that."

"You know the reason." Alex' face drops and silence gulps the room.

"Alex." June takes Alex' hands and squeezes it tight. "Look at me. Can you please get that asshole out from your head. He is not worth it."

"It's not about him." It's not only about him. Of course there is lot more. And June and Nora knows everything. Only they know him.

"I know Alex. But you know you deserve better. Actually you deserve the world. You deserve someone who treats you like you're the centre of the world." June grins widely.

"Shut up June. I don't want anyone. We can live this world without having a partner." Alex stikes back.

"Oh. That's why my baby bro didn't even date anyone in the past year. Were you practicing ab  bachelor life  Alex? What would you need for your needs?" June mocks.

"Get out. And don't call me your baby bro. You're only one year older than me." June laughs and Alex throws one t-shirts to June' face. "And we can still full fill our needs without having an actual relationship." He opens the table drawer and pulls out a strips of condoms and a lube.

"Oh. I'm flattened." June dramatically puts his hands on her chest. "And I'm glad that you're bi."

"What does that mean?" Alex furrows his eyebrows.

"Nothing." She waved off her hands.

Before Alex could say anything Zahra interrupts them from the behind.

"Alex. You packed everything?" Zahra enquires noticing the condoms and lube on Alex' hands. Alex immediately dropped that on the bag.

"Almost. I'm working on it." Alex says embarrassingly.

"Okay. Your new bodyguard is here is here. You can meet him now." Alex' eyes widened.

"My new what?!" Alex says bewilderedly.

"You heard at the first time Alex." Zahra rolled her eyes.

"I thought... No one told me about this arrangements." Alex says confusingly.

"Then I'm telling you now. We appointed a new bodyguard for you. And you know you can't have any of the secret service agents from here."

"I know that. But I thought I'm going alone there. I don't need any bodyguard, I can look after my ass." Alex says in an irritated tone.

"Look Alex. It's not up to you. You are still first son of America." Zahra stiffens his voice.

"Do you know about any of this?" Alex asks June who is still sitting on Alex bed. June shakes his head frantically. "Fuck. I thought I'm going to live a new life." Alex' face drops.

"You're still going to live a new life Alex. Addition of one bodyguard won't interrupts anything."

"Whatever. It's not up to me anyway, right?" Alex glance at Zahra.

"Absolutely. Your brain is braining. I'm proud of you." Zahra mocks.

"Not funny."

"Anyway. Come to my office within five minutes, he will be there. I have so much other things to do to wait for you." She says and left.

"Fuck. I can't believe this." Alex groans and sits beside June.

"I think it's good for you." June drops her one hand around Alex' shoulder.


"My ear, your asshole." She slapped his face away. "You are going to an other continent. Maybe your new bodyguard can help, alteast as a friend, so befriend with him. Let him be your first friend in your new life." She says after a pause and he nods.

When Alex came to Zahra' office his assumed bodyguard is talking to Zahra his front away from Alex. The man has a perfect shape from the back, broad shoulder, blonde hair, height almost same as Alex and has a nice ass. What the fuck.

'Don't look down.' He says to himself.

"Zahra." Alex called. Zahra looks him and the man turned around, he has a file in his hands. Before Alex could give a good look on the man infront of him Zahra interrupts again.

"Come in Alex." Alex stepped in to the office. "So, Mr. Fox, this is Alex Claremont-Diaz." She introduced me to the man. "And Alex this is your new bodyguard Mr. Fox."

He drops the file from his hand to the table before he extends his hand to give him the hand gesture. And Alex shakes his hand.

"Hello Mr. Claremont-Diaz." He says in his posh accent. He is British.

"Hello... Um. What's your name?" Alex asks him still holding his hand.

"I thought Ms. Bankston introduced me." He says in his perfect voice.

"I mean your first name." Alex watches him carefully.

"Oh. It's Henry. Henry Fox."

"It's nice to meet to you Henry." He didn't even asked Henry is that okay with him and he can see a confusion in Henry' face.

"Pleasure is mine Mr. Claremont-Diaz." He has a perfect face. Blue eyes. And there is a mole above the side of his lips. Alex' eyes dart on it and he couldn't takes his eyes off from that. He didn't even think what would Henry think about that. Henry slightly squeezes Alex' hand and Alex came back to the reality and looks Henry completely mortified. Alex drops his hand.

'Fuck. What's wrong with me.' He thinks.

Alex looks away from Henry, didn't want to get caught staring Henry' perfect face more.

"So, I'll join you tomorrow morning." Henry breaks the silence. "Have a good night Mr. Claremont-diaz."

"You can call me Alex." Alex looks at Henry' eyes.

"Fine." Henry says and Alex nods.

"Bye Zahra." He says hoping Zahra didn't noticed the awkward moment between them.

"See you in the morning Alex." Zahra says and Alex waved at her and left

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