𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Lucy was 9 months pregnant and tim  kept sneaking off, he would come home late with excuses and everytime he saw Lucy he'd argue with her, Lucy hated it but she loved him, Tim loved Lucy but didn't think it was the right time to have a baby so he'd sneak off so he doesn't have to talk about it with her, would this change when the baby was born

Lucy- Tim I'm gonna head home now
Tim- ok, don't wait up I'm working late
Lucy- Your always working late Tim
Tim- *raises his voice* Not my problem that's how my time table is, just go home I'll be home later
Lucy- babe
Tim- Luce go home
Lucy- ok fine, I love you
Tim- you too *walks away*
Lucy- *walks into greys office* sir?
Grey- Detective Bradford, how can I help
Lucy- I'm ready to go on maternity
Grey- perfect
Lucy- Also could I see tims time table
Grey- sure

She looks

Lucy- he's in trouble
Grey- Everything ok
Lucy- No, he's been coming in late since he found out I was pregnant and he makes excuses about working late and just then he told me he was working late tonight
Grey- oh Luce, I'm sure it's just Tim being Tim
Lucy- get this, I said "I love you" to him and he said "you too" back
Grey- what!!
Lucy- ik
Grey- Bradford go rest I'm sure he's just grumpy
Lucy- Thanks bye

She drives to their house and tam was in the kitchen

Tam- I'm making lasagne
Lucy- Smells lush
Tam- how's it with Tim
Lucy- He's being a d!ck towards me , I think he's cheating cus I asked grey if Tim has been working late shifts and grey said no so
Tam- awh Luce I'm sorry

Later that night it was 1am and tim snuck in, he took his shoes off and hung his jacket, he changed into pj's and went to the kitchen as he grabbed a cup he saw Lucy sat at the counter drink in a coffee whilst reading a book in her pjs

Tim- babe why are u still awake it's 1am
Lucy- *starts crying* I couldn't sleep without u
Tim- *rolls his eyes* go lay down I'll be in there soon

He fills his glass with water and Lucy goes into their room and layed down, Tim walked in 2 mins later and layed there next to her

Tim- u ok?
Lucy- I am now
Tim-  well go to sleep then
Lucy- Do u love me?
Tim- Yes why
Lucy- U don't show it
Tim- I don't like PDA
Lucy- u don't show it when we're alone
Tim- u know I love u why else would we have a baby together
Lucy- idk it's just yo-
Tim- Forget it Luce, I'm going to sleep at my sisters, I actually want to get some sleep u know
Lucy- what if go into labour
Tim- Call me
Tim- uh huh sure it is, I'm sure tam or Angela will help u get over tonight

He leaves slamming the door which woke Tamara up and Lucy burst into tears

Tam- LUCE *runs to her* what was that about
Lucy- *explains it all* then he walked out
Tam- awh Luce,

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