𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆

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They pack up and Lucy changes, she carries the baby out and Tim was there waiting with the truck, he helped her in and put the car seat in the back where tam was , Angela and nyla said bye and went back to the station

Tim- Lucy?
Lucy- No Tim
Lucy- Stop
Tim- fine but when we get home were talking
Lucy- ye fine whatever

They get home and Lucy puts Everly in her bassinet they sit on their bed

Lucy- Tim I think we should Divorce
Tim- What? Why?
Lucy- Your always coming in late I asked grey to show me ur time table and u haven't been working late, u keep leaving and shouting at me and it doesn't even seem like u love me, u got to the hospital ages after we called u, I was in labour and I needed my husband, I love u, I always will but this can't go on if ur not gonna be here for me or the baby
Tim- I love u Lucy, I've just been stressed about being a dad
Lucy- Then tell me
Tim- fine if u wanna divorce we can but Luce can we please have shared custody
Lucy- Yes I'm not a monster
Tim- maybe it could be I have her one week u have her the next week
Lucy- ye sure, I'll see u in court tmmr for the divorce
Tim- cya, first can I hold my daughter
Lucy- *nods*

(TIME SKIP) Everly is now 3

Everly - mommy when's daddy coming to get me
Lucy- anytime now
Everly- Help me get dressed
Lucy- Coming honey

There was a knock and it was Tim

Lucy- hi sorry come in, it's been a late morning just need to get her changed
Tim- No worries

Lucy runs upstairs to her daughter and dresses her in a pink flowery dress with a white button up cardigan but left it unbuttoned, she had pink tights on and some cute little white boots , she walks downstairs and Lucy brushes her hair and ties it in pigtails with bows

Tim- woah princess u look pretty *crouches down*
Everly- Thanks daddy
Lucy- Right here's her bag and in there is her teddy, iPad, iPad charger, clothes and her exma creams
Tim- Luce I've got it, calm down
Lucy- Sorry it's been a bit rushed today
Tim- no it's ok, right princess what do u say to mommy
Everly- Bye mommy
Lucy- bye honey

She gives her a kiss and a hug

Tim- Bye
Lucy- Bye

She closes the door and gets herself ready for the day she goes to work but was late

Grey- Detective chen
Lucy- yes sir
Grey- any reason ur late
Lucy- rushed morning with Everly and getting her ready for Tim
Grey- ok I'll let u off
Lucy- thanks sir

She walks over to her desk and pulls out her flask that had vodka in it, she drunk some and Angela and nyla smelt it

Angela- Lucy is that vodka
Lucy- Mhm
Nyla- share
Lucy- fair

They all drunk vodka as she brung in a bottle and poured it in there flasks, when it was break Tim brung Everly to the tack trucks

Lucy- hey
Tim- hi
Everly- Hi mommy, daddy says we can come see u
Lucy- Wow that's nice

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