𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Later that evening Lucy and Angela were talking

Angela- Pls let me set u up on a date, he's a Lawyer called Chris Sanford
Lucy- No I haven't moved on from Tim yet
Angela- u guys divorced when Everly was 2 days old she's now 3
Lucy- ik but he's so fit and hot and good in bed
Angela- Ick, just go on a date with Chris trust me you'll like him
Lucy- Fine ask him if he can do tmmr
Angela- mk

She messages him

Angela- He said ye, he'll meet u at the '𝘙𝘰́𝘴𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳' at 7pm
Lucy- mk, show me a picture

Angela shows her
Lucy- he's not as bad as I thought he looked
Angela- He kind

THE NEXT DAY, Lucy put on a pink dress that shown no coverage and some pink  heels with a pink bag and doe make-up look , she drove to the diner and went in to see him sat down

Lucy- Hi
Chris- Hey, you look beautiful
Lucy- thanks, u look handsome
Chris- thank u pulled it out my closet and thought might as well
Lucy- *chuckles* If only it's that easy for a girl, half my closet is on my bedroom floor
Chris- *laughs*
Waiter- hey here's some menus let me know when u want to order
Lucy- thanks
Chris- thank u

Little did Lucy know Chris had a dirty secret, the date went well, in fact that well they took it into Lucy's room, she woke up to him gone but had a message on her phone from him

Chris- Hey beautiful im at work as I got called in early xxx
Lucy- mk have fun xx

She gets up and ready then drives to work, she gets there to see Tim shouting at Everly and she ran over

Lucy- what's happened
Tim- Everly was naughty
Everly- *shouts* NO I WASN'T, UR MEAN DADDY *runs off*
Lucy- what did she do
Tim- threw her iPad on the floor and it's broken
Lucy- fuck sakes
Tim- mm

Lucy was happy and kept smiling

Tim- why are u so happy this morning
Lucy- I got a good sleep last night that's all
Tim- oh ok
Lucy- Now I'm gonna go put my stuff in ma locker whilst u look for our daughter
Tim- yep

She  put her stuff in her locker and walks out to see Everly crying on the bench she picks her up

Lucy- Hey monkey
Everly- mommy
Lucy- princess daddy's looking for you
Everly- I wanna come home w-with you
Lucy- sweetheart it's ok come on

She sits at her desk with Everly who was still upset

Tim- Oh princess what's wrong
Everly- I wanna go home with mommy
Lucy- sweetheart it's daddys time with u Everly- NO
Tim- Everly
Everly- NOO
lucy- EVERLY MAE, don't shout at your dad say sorry
Everly- s-sorry daddy
Tim- it's ok, come here why don't we go see grandpa grey
Everly- *nods*

They walk off, Lucy didn't really think to tell Chris about Everly so she told him over text

Chris- I don't date people who have kids cus there what I call a wh0re
Lucy- *blocks *

She told Angela and angels got wesley- involved but then she heard Everly giggling and Tim was holding her in one arm tickling her

Tim- Mommy can Everly stay here with u whilst I do roll call
Everly- pls mommy
Lucy- sure
Everly- yay

Tim walks into roll call

Everly- mommy let's watch roll call
Lucy- mk but u have to be quiet ok
Everly- otay

They go in roll call room and stand still the back

Grey- Chen was there something u needed
Lucy- Nope this one wants to watch her daddy do roll call
Grey- ok
Tim- Right everyone, Oscar Hutchinson has been released from prison
Grey- *laughs*
Tim- he will try anything to annoy us so keep a look out , Juarez your with Nolan, Lopez is with Harper, Chen your with me and thorsen your needed with Harper and Lopez , ok dismissed stay safe

Everly runs up to the front when everyone left and Smitty walked in

Smitty - Gotta say office Chen and Sargent Bradford that's a cute kid u have
Lucy- Thank you Smitty

He leaves and grey was looking after Everly, Tim got the gear and lucy went in the drivers seat And drove off

Tim- So...
Lucy- so.?
Tim- How's life
Lucy- miserable
Tim- why?
Lucy- Cus I like someone I need to move on from cus I know he probsot hates me
Tim- Who Nolan? I know u 2 dated before
Lucy- No someone else in the station
Tim- you've dated others in the station
Lucy- ugh never mind
Tim- luc-

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