𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔

978 11 2

Tim sat there thinking

Tims pov:

Ugh, she doesn't like me she likes someone at else but I love her, I need her and I want her, how do I ask her out or something, I love her alot

Normal pov:

Tim- u seeing anyone then?
Lucy- No , u?
Tim- No, there's this one girl on my mind but she's one of my exes, but is till love her
Lucy- Who Penelope, Rachel, Isabelle , Danielle
Tim- No none
Lucy- I'm your only other ex-
Tim- ye
Lucy- Silence starting from now


7am there's a knock on the door, Lucy being Lucy was already changed and ready with a coffee in her hand, she opens the door whilst taking a sip, she knew who it is cus its a Sunday

Lucy- Hey
Everly- Hi mommy
Tim- Hey Lucy
Lucy- jeez it's cold out there come in

She closes the door behind

Tim- Dam it's warn in here
Lucy- Mhm it's called heating, u wanna a coffee to warn up a bit
Tim- Sure
Everly- Hot chocolate pls?
Lucy- sure

She gives Tim his coffee and everly her hot chocolate obviously it wasn't hot. But not cold it was just right , they sat on the couch whilst everly played in her room, Tim looked at Lucy's outfit and god dam she looked good, Lucy was sknown by most of her friends as s model cus of how good she looked din every outfit

Tim- u look nice
Lucy- thanks, umm Tim we should talk about her birthday party, how we gonna do that
Tim- Maybe here as u have the bigger back yard and I could come over an hour before the party and help set up
Lucy- Perfect
Tim- anyway I'll get goin, BYE EVERLY

Lucy walks him to the door and opens it for him he walks out and they state st each other, they both lean in and kiss each other

Tim- I'll see you on Wednesday


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