𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔 𝟒

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It came to Wednesday and it hit 7am Lucy got up and showered, she dries her hair, bruhshes and curled it, she put on her jewelry and changed

into this she then called tam explaining how her and Tim kissed, she did her skincare and makeup  she went with a glam look then she woke Everly up and got her showered, dries her hair, brushed it then got her changed Her

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into this she then called tam explaining how her and Tim kissed, she did her skincare and makeup  she went with a glam look then she woke Everly up and got her showered, dries her hair, brushed it then got her changed Her

Into this , Lucy blew up balloons and decorated the house and the backyard she put skin friendly pink eye in the swimming pool and she had a towel on each lounge chair, everyone knew it was a pool party so they remembered to bring everything, all ...

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Into this , Lucy blew up balloons and decorated the house and the backyard she put skin friendly pink eye in the swimming pool and she had a towel on each lounge chair, everyone knew it was a pool party so they remembered to bring everything, all the food was on the kitchen island and there was a water bakuncy castle and a normal bouncy castle there was loads of fun games set up and then Tim arrived

Tim- hey
Lucy- come in
Everly- Hi daddy
Tim- Hi princess, u look nice
Everly- mommy bought me this dress and I wanted to wear it today
Tim- that's nice *kisses her cheek* go play whisky we get everything sorted
Everly- Otay *rush away*
Lucy- everything is done I just need u to set up my other spare lounge Chairs
Tim- of course

He carries them by the pool and sets them up whisky Lucy placed a light grey fluffy Egyptian cotton towel on each chair , he goes back inside

Tim- u look beautiful by the way
Lucy- *smiles*thanks u look white nice as well
Tim- Luce can I sy something
Lucy- Mhm
Tim- Thanks for letting me be in Everlys life and agreeing to do shared custody, I know it's hard not seeing her for a week that's why I was wondering what if u had her for 2 days then I have her form 2 days
Lucy- Sure, and thank you for wanting to be in her life
Tim- anything else I need to do?
Lucy- nope

Tim was wearing some black shorts with a white T-shirt, black flip-flops and some black sunglasses resting on his head, after a couple of mins everyone arrived, the music was playing and the bouncy castlee were inflated, everyone was having fun

Jackson- everly your really pretty
Everly- thank you jackie

Jack kisses Everly and she giggles

Tim- Did your son just kiss my daughter
angela- Mhm , THAT'S MY BOY JACK
Lucy- *giggles* Tim can I borrow u a sec
Tim- sure

They go into her room and she pulls him into her closet, they make out and after they walk out they both stare at each other

Lucy- wow, i mean I took u in there so u could reach me something but that was even better
Tim- *grins*I love you lucy
Lucy- I l-
Angela- what's taking so long come look at this

They go outside and see Everly and Jackson chasing Nolan around the garden hitting him with pool noodles whilst all the adults were  pissing themselves laughing (not literally)

Bailey- GET HIM
Nolan- no no *gets hit* Ahhhh

Jack and Everly pushed him in the pool and everyone changed into there swimmers, Lucy was wearing a bikini and looked in the mirror but saw her stretch marks from when she was pregnant with Everly which made her insecure, she was covering then with waterproof concealer when Tim walked in and saw

Tim- u ok?
Lucy- Mhm just hiding my stretch marks
Tim- why?
Lucy- cus it makes me feel fat
Tim- in the nicest way possible your as skinny as a twig
Lucy- Barely

Tim- Cmon
Lucy- hold on

She finishes covering the marks and runs out today we everyone in the pool, she gets in as well and then went over to  Everly and Tim

Lucy- *tickles her* Happy birthday baby girl
Everly- *laughs* thanks mommy

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