Diana Anastasia Westwood

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Sitting down in front of the camera again after 19 years of avoiding it at all costs was nerve-wracking, my palms were getting sweaty and my heart felt like it wanted to jump out of my rib cage.

Currently, I am doing a documentary about my life, which my two kids have encouraged me to do. If it weren't for them I would have chosen to never appear on the screens again. However, they have persuaded me to tell my life to thousands of people, a life of which they had bits and pieces and used to judge my persona and humanity, I know that they all call me 'Snake' because I am that much of a manipulative person, especially after my ex-husband released his book. It showed them the good and bad parts of our notorious relationship, but the bad parts were really bad. This didn't sit well with my eldest son and since then, he has been telling me to write and talk about my own experience and my life between 1986-2000.

"Mrs Westwood"

The interviewer called my name grabbing my attention from my thoughts.


"Are you ready to start this interview?"

The younger girl asked carefully, as if one wrong word said and I will bolt out of the room.


"So Mrs Westwood, tell us who is Diana Westwood"

I cleared my throat after she asked the question.

"Diana Westwood isn't my actual name, my actual name is Diana Anastasia Westwood, the reason I have that middle name is because it's a tradition we have in the family that every girl in the Bedlington family should have the name, Anastasia, my mum's name is Anastasia Bedlington, and my aunt is called Cynthia Anastasia Bedlington. Even though I was born a Westwood my mum insisted on naming me like her. However, my dad didn't like that there were two Anastasia's running around the place so they settled with naming me Diana Anastasia Westwood. I used to hate my middle name because I didn't really have a good relationship with my mother. So for my artist name, I got rid of Anastasia. Funny enough I used to be so thankful for my dad to get that idea out of my mum's head because I would have also hatted having the same name as my mother"

I giggled at what I said, it was funny that I used to hate it but now growing up I embraced it and got the same middle name for my daughter to have.

"I grew up in New York, Manhattan, it was a really alright place to grow up in but it was inevitable to see some crimes going around the area specially the upper you go, I was lucky I lived in the middle where none of this happened so often, but I still needed to travel up because my parents were both lecturers at the Columbia University and they preferred me to be near them, so that's why my school years started near the university, after kindergarten, I was translated to another school called Trinity and then when I was 12 I got moved down to Stuyvesant High School. As you can see my social life wasn't stable ever since I was young. At the end of every chapter of my life, I would start a new one with new friends which I barely called because I didn't feel any connections with anyone. I was the weird one in class, so no one approached me or talked to me. The only girl that talked to me only did it because I let her copy my homework and I had a 'hot' brother. My relationship with him wasn't the best one, he didn't like me as his sister because believe it or not I used to be a hyperactive kid which my brother found super annoying because I would be running all around the house and him being 8 years older than me and in his teenage years didn't really sit well with him"

Nobody really knew I had a brother because he didn't want to accept the fact that he had a drug addict as a sister. It tainted his perfect résumé. He was this straight A's student who had a bright future ahead of him, so naturally having me as his sister was just a bother and would only drag him down and make it harder for him to reach his goals.

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