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This is literally the longest chapter I have written in my life and it took almost four days for me to write. I hope you guys like it and I would really appreciate if I saw more comments and votes on this chapter and many more to come, for I am really excited about this book and for what I have in store for it.

Also, please do read the author's note in the end, we need to discuss something important.

Also, please do read the author's note in the end, we need to discuss something important

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 1

" ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵉˢˢ "

[The screen slowly lit up with the sound of footsteps echoing in the room and sounds of childlike giggles and laughter.]


[The scene unfolded as the camera panned down a long corridor, lined with knights guarding at attention. Amidst the solemnity, two young children, a boy and girl in their nightwear dashed past, their laughter echoing through the stone walls, their flowing silver locks a blur in the air.

[The guards, unable to suppress their smiles, watched amusedly as the children raced by. Following closely behind, a woman adorned in a regal purple gown, her own silver hair streaming behind her, chased after the playful duo until she finally caught up to them.]

The ancestors focused on the screen in silence while the people from before the rebellion were confused and apprehensive. 'Elaraena? Vaelor? And who is this woman? What is she doing in the red keep?

Whereas, the people from after the rebellion froze in fear. Was that her?

Woman: Stop you both, it's time for you to go to bed, Where are you both going?

[As the woman gently turned the children, her back still to the screen, it became evident that they were truly a sight to behold. The young pair exuded an undeniable charm, their golden-silver locks tousled from their playful sprint down the corridor.

[With large purple eyes gleaming, their pale skin flushed and rosy cheeks, the children appeared positively angelic. The girl wore a small pout, crossing her arms and fixing the woman with a glare from her deep purple doe eyes, while her slightly taller brother simply sighed, resigned to the situation.]

Everyone looked at the screen in awe. The children were beautiful, the people from after the rebellion were shocked, 'so the tales about the inhumane beauty of Targaryen's is true,' they thought.

Cersei looked at the children on the screen in longing and contempt. If only, if only she could have succeeded in marrying Rhaegar than she would have also given birth to such beautiful children but no, first the Dornish whore and then the Stark bitch had taken him from her and she was stuck with this good for nothing, fat, manwhore of a man.

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