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their drug truck . V sighed and looked down at Kook ( As he named him because the baby really likes cookies) who was snuggled against his chest, his tiny hand moving up and down his chest in a peaceful slumber. V couldn't help but feel his heart clench at the sight. This was the first time he ever felt love, true love, towards anyone or anything. He couldn't explain why, but he just knew that this little baby was special.

V was a demon, an immortal being who had lived for centuries. He was feared by all, and he had never felt any emotions towards anyone. But somehow, this innocent little baby had captured his heart. As V got to know from his sources the rivals had kidnapped Kook for unknown reasons and his guard's had managed to rescue him in the midst of a fierce battle.

V had taken Kook back to his castle, not knowing what to do with him. But as days passed, V found himself growing attached to the baby. He couldn't explain why, but he felt a strong urge to protect him and take care of him. He had never felt such strong emotions before, and it scared him.

At first, V tried to push these feelings away. He was a demon, he shouldn't feel love towards anyone. But the more he tried to resist, the more his heart longed for the baby. He found himself spending every waking moment with Kook, watching him sleep, playing with him, and even feeding him. V was completely enamored by the baby's innocent and pure nature.

But V was also conflicted. He knew that he was not capable of giving Kook a normal life. He was a demon, and Kook was just a mere human. Plus, there was the fact that V was in love with him. He couldn't possibly act on his feelings, it was wrong and forbidden.

However, fate had other plans. One day, while V was out hunting, he came across a group of villagers who were looking for an abandoned baby. V's heart sank, and he knew that they were talking about Kook. He couldn't bear the thought of losing him, so he lied and told the villagers that he had found the baby in the forest and had been taking care of him ever since.

The villagers were grateful and took Kook back with them. V was heartbroken, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't keep Kook with him, it was not safe for the baby. But deep down, he couldn't shake off the feeling of losing a part of himself.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. V couldn't stop thinking about Kook, wondering if he was safe and happy. He had lost all contact with the outside world, but he couldn't bring himself to leave his castle and search for Kook.

But fate had its own twists and turns. One day, a group of villagers came to V's castle, seeking his help. They were being attacked by a group of demons, and they needed someone strong to protect them. V knew he couldn't get involved in such matters, but then he heard the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. It was Kook's laughter, and it was coming from the villagers' group.

Without thinking twice, V jumped into action and fought off the demons. He managed to save the villagers, and when they asked him why he helped them, he simply said he did it for Kook. The villagers were stunned, but they were also grateful. They invited V to stay with them and protect them from any future attacks. And V couldn't resist. He knew deep down that he wanted to be close to Kook again.

Months turned into years, and V continued to live with the villagers, protecting them and staying by Kook's side. He still couldn't believe that he was able to be with the one he loved. He knew it was not a conventional love, but for him, it was the purest form of love.

As Kook grew older, V watched him from afar, always keeping his distance and never revealing his true identity. But he was content just being able to see Kook grow and thrive. And for V, that was enough.

In the Mediaeval kingdom with mysterious secrets and lots of sexual desire, V and Kook's love story was considered taboo. But for them, it was the most beautiful and purest love that could only be seen in heaven. And V knew that he would do anything to protect Kook and keep him safe, no matter what.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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