Mul Cote x One Piece 4

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Ayanokouji pov 

When I woke up I walked outside and thought about what had happened the past few months. 

Ryuuen has gained better mastery over his devil fruit, now he has the power to turn his whole body on fire in his command another ability he gained is that he can now get giant wings come out of his back and can materialize claws. 

My mastery of my devil fruit is going a lot worse as all I can do is get these marks on my face which increase all my physical abilities another thing I've improved on is that I can create a space which I'm not sure what is as I can't enter the space. Also, no humans I've used it on worked but it does work on animals. It's still progress though. 

My project on making the ship is done now so now I just need to coat it. I went down the tree and went to the sea. I looked out and thought about my past few months. 

We also meet someone who lost against Roger the pirate king. Me and Ryuuen will be going to the sea today. 

" Hey Kiyotaka " 

I looked to see Ace running towards me. 

Did I forget to mention we got closer to the little kids? 

" Hello Ace " 

" Can I check out your ship " 

" Sure " 

Ever since I told the kids about the ship they always want to check it out. 

" So today you're going to go " 

" Yeah " 


While I was eating with the kids and Ryuuen 

" Hey will you remember us " 

" Of course " 

Luffy looked uneasy 

" yeah you are always going to be the rubber brat " 

" Hey " 

Luffy didn't look saw anymore 

" So you guys are really going today," Asked Ace 

" Yeah " 

" Let's not make this sad " 

Sabo's idea was mature for someone his age 

" Yeah let's eat more food today " 

" Kiyotaka can you hunt today " 

" Yeah " 

I usually don't hunt so we'll get more food. 

" I'll go with Ace " 

I needed to talk with Ace 

" Alright " 

Ryuuen. Sabo and Luffy left 

" Let's go hunt a crocodile " 

I think that getting a few crocodiles will be easy with my devil fruit 

Ace nodded as I left. he followed me 

When we arrived at the lake, I used my devil fruit.

" Domain expansion white hell " 

As soon as I said that a few crocodiles flooded up. 

" Woah " 

I walked over and took one. 

" Let's go " 

Ace nodded and followed me. 

When we arrived I put it above a fire. 

" So Roger is your father " 

Ace looked alarmed 

" What how did you know " 

" Is Roger your father " 

" Y-yes " 

I showed him my real eyes which had made him scared. 

" I see " 

" So I'm a monster right " 

" No " 

" huh " 

He looked at me confused 

" I believe that nobody should carry their father's sins " 

" Really " 

" Yeah if anyone tells you otherwise then just beat them up " 

" So you think I deserve to live " 

" Everyone deserves to live, you're special to somebody and if you can't think of anyone then remember Sabo and Luffy you think of you as a brother " 

" I and Ryuuen will always care about you no matter what " 

" Do you really mean that? " 

" Of course " 

I knew since the start that he didn't feel like he belonged and I guess what I told him made him sentimental I guess I was also sentimental as I felt my cheeks muscle relax. 

" Wahh" 

He started to cry and I just hugged him. 

After a few minutes, he stopped crying 

" Thank you " 

" I only said the truest " 

Then he sat silently while I cooked the crocodile. 

" Hey we're back " 

I looked to see that Ryuuen and them came back. 

" Woah that smells so good " 

Luffy looked interested in the food. 

" Just eat all you want " 

" Really thank you " 

All three kids ran to the crocodile which was ready as Ryuuen went to cook a large boar. 

" I should go get more meat " 

" Yeah " 

I went to the lake and took back two crocodiles. 

" Keep cooking " 

I looked to see the three kids now eating the boar. 

" Ryuuen their stomachs are large aren't they " 

" Yeah we already knew they weren't normal " 

" Not normal doesn't always mean bad " 

" Of course "  

While they were eating I and Ryuuen was looking at them. 

" we will be going now " 

" So soon " 

" Yeah " 

They looked sad 

" You will remember us right " 

" Of course, we'll meet you on the sea " 

" You bet " 

"Let's go " 

I didn't need to turn back to see that Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were crying. 

When me and Ryuuen left. 

" yo-c-you can do all the navigation stu-c- stuff right " 

I saw tears coming out of Ryuuen's eyes but I looked away 

" Yeah sure, I can do it " 

If I was being honest I didn't know I could get so close to them. 

I left sad, at least my stomach felt empty but I was already full. 


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