Dunny and the park bullies

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Dunny Rödent, little rat pup, left for school one autumn morning.
All the rat pups in the burrow, boys and girls, they too were joining.

Many rats passed by our Dunny on the way to their Rats School. Different groups and different families, waves of rats all in one pool. As they all rushed through the leaf litter Dunny noticed in the corner of his eyes a group of big fat dirty rats ganging up on one little mouse.

Dunny, not much of a thinker, quickly turned and in a flash he stood between the band of bullies and a small mouse by the trash.
Laughed the hooligans at Dunny, four of them, all bigger, rougher. Even as the bandits cackled, nonchalance made them look tougher. Major Bully, obvious leader, biggest (fattest) of the bunch, said he's looking for a breakfast, but he'll keep the mouse for lunch.

Dunny didn't see it coming as the bullies rushed him quick, grabbed his arms and legs, and were about to break him like a twig.
You must know that Dunny only ever seen a fight on screen, never once in real life even though he was a teen. Wriggling, wiggling and fidgeting, nothing loosened bullies' grip. Major Bully stepped up forward to deliver the first hit.

Last thing Dunny saw clearly before his glasses fell of his face were a couple of rat students standing all in the same place. When Major Bully's hit connected Dunny felt woozy, then in shock, because he heard a loud commotion as many rats have run amok. The hooligans still holding Danny let go of him, tackled by masses. Danny with his whiskers snapped fell on the ground, searched for his glasses, but he couldn't find them or see what has happened. Then something tiny poked his back. It was Dunny's glasses, held out by a small mouse carrying a school bag.

The glasses, dirtied by the foliage, luckily had no bent or crack, but Dunny couldn't know it wasn't all just pure dumb luck. The moment Major Bully hit him the impact sent the glasses flying, but it was this mouse who caught and protected them, no denying.

Dunny thanked the mouse, and now looked around to see everywhere only pandemonium could be found. Dozens of rat students in uniforms from his school were jumping on the thugs, toppling down the fool known as the Major Bully, tormenting the rest. The bullies tried to stop the students, calling them weak and pests.

After barely a few minutes the bullies lost all will, then came the police-rats running from the hill. They questioned all the students, hooligans, mouse and Dunny. When the cops learned which school the students go to, one said that it's funny.

While being cuffed the bullies asked the cops why does the school matter, what have they done?
The school motto was quite simple:
One rat for all rodents, and all rats for one.

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