Dunny and the legacy

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Dunny, our brownish grey furred rodent friend, in his later years - like most rats, actually - was often compared to his peers on the basis of wealth, looks and social standing. But all that for Dunny was quite demanding and he never was a soul to care for the exterior.

But because of that he was often viewed as inferior. Was it luck that he lacked? Was the Rat Creator not on his side? Dunny used to ponder such questions, he sincerely tried to understand what his purpose was as a rat. But as he grew older his thoughts left all that in the past, as the many aspects of his life were simply a matter of choices and consequence - not strife.

And so beyond his mundane and simple day job, that he's pretty good at, mind you, our helpful rodent friend, neat and ordered, not a slob, still pursued his childhood dreams of helping the others.

Not just those that he knew personally, often times the matters he was getting involved in circled around the strangers, the unknowns, and those who couldn't be found.
For you see, knowing rodents and being observant, less than a master but more than a servant - a savant of the Brawlington Park and its residents, Dunny as an adult was in league with the presidents, the bishops, the CEOs and a prime minister - all manners of residing creatures. Both the good and the sinister.

A decisive character and polite personality helped Dunny develop reasonable charity. A non profit of sort, helping rodents in need. And the requests that he received were wide in range indeed:
Helping old rodents passing, cleaning up local routes, distribution of  donations, real estate in the roots of the trees and bushes, interspecies feuds mediation, organizing campaigns, even de-deratisation.

So you can imagine that off the clock Dunny's free time was less and less, each endeavour fulfilled completely with as little mess as Dunny and his loyal non-profit friends could provide.

A hobby for him - for others a sign that the divide and chaos of seasons past is certainly, sooner than later, not going to last.

Dunny's charitable projects are handled in part by his barely younger sister Rosie - beautiful and smart and perhaps one of the reasons her brother's ideals are reaching all small creatures daily during family meals. She's been vocal and outspoken about this non profit of Dunny, and over the many seasons her fanbase grew more than her company. Bubbly personality, feminine charms, she used all she was given and more to take up arms and start a small cultural revolution. He doesn't mind, by his own admission supports her contribution, especially if the PR doesn't need him at the front. He's much better suited for ground work where he can confront the small guys, the ones left in the shadows alone. That is where Dunny wants to be well-known.

And thus continues the mission of Dunny's non profit organization.

Rodents helping rodents equally across the rodent nation.

Lastly let's make an addendum, a small note to be clear that leaving others to rot is Dunny's biggest fear. Doesn't matter if you're prey, predator or random bystander, a genuine rodent or a furry pretender. This simplified view of his, now a common knowledge in all of Brawlington Park, started slowly spread out to greater world only after Dunny's final remark.

On his death bed, surrounded by family and friends of many species and generations, listening carefully for the wisdom in old rat's last revelations, he said in his usual jovial tone: "Don't be sad, when it's done. I see myself in all of you, so I won't really be gone. One rat for all rodents, and all rats for one."

Rat of All Trades.
This charity became the legacy of Dunny, a simple and helpful rat. A rat who refused to see this wild-wild world as only that.

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