Dunny and Susie the mouse

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Dunny isn't a shy rat per se, he surely likes to go to class. He likes to be with other rats, in school, at the mall or in Church on Sunday mass.

Dunny was friendly towards all the things - rodents without tail, rodents with wings, small rodents, big rodents. All rodents - flat. But most of all Dunny liked being a rat.

At school all students and teachers knew Dunny, not as himself, which isn't that funny. What others know Dunny for most is his sister. In the school records Dunny is simply a blister on much more prestigious presence of Rosie, but if you ask Dunny, he'd say that it's cosy. He likes the crowds, sure, but not as its center - for him it's enough just be able to enter and be with his fellow mates.
Not that it ever helped getting dates.

Rat world is upheld by influence ladders - a structure of sorts, predictable patterns of power, wealth, knowledge and wisdom of course. Those on the upper levels are a force to be reconned with, surely least that much you grasp. And Dunny, academically, was considered last.

But he wasn't alone on the low ladder levels, plenty other rats at school, considered the rebels, were struggling in most areas while excelling in the rest. Some had trouble focusing, some had issues with tests, others simply preoccupied with outside activities proved to be at school quite elusive entities.

One such an example were exchange student mice - the school that they come from is known to be nice and elite in the region of Brawlington Park. Though some mice that has come to Dunny's school seemed dark. And if you think it's about their fur color, it's not. For your information they have white fur with occasional spot of brown or gray showing from under the clothes.
With uncertain feelings Dunny started making notes on the mice that were sent here from across the park pond. But he didn't expect to develop a bond with one of the mice - you remember her, no? Little terrified rodent with a pair of golden eyes? Just earlier that day she was saved from demise at the hands of the bullies right outside the school. Dunny was the first rat to confront them. Fool as he may be, he made everlasting impression. Unbeknownst to him, she approached administration with a suggestion. 

For the rest of the day, which in rat world was quite long, our dun furred rat had a tail that didn't belong. New face followed our Dunny to each class he was enrolled and every club he was a part of, having members enthralled by the notion of an exotic outsider interaction by presence alone. The shadow was constant, even when the school day has ended she wasn't gone.

Susie, that is the mouse's name by the way, didn't feel welcome the opening day of her visit to this side of the Brawlington Park. Other mice stuck together with only remark to their fellow exchange student being a warning: "Stay away from the rats, we do not belong here."

She was small, but determined to make a connection with at least one rat, which led to deception by nasty fat bullies - a story we covered already in full, yes.

After observing our jolly young rat through the day Susie couldn't decide what would be the best way to approach him and talk for even a minute. He seemed little odd for a boy whose demeanor faded into the background, despite other young rats always being polite and participate in chats.

As they left school grounds passing by taped trashcan corner, first Dunny then few steps behind him, and slower, little Susie the mouse with defeat on her face. In her now beady eyes it was a disgrace that she couldn't do one thing she set out to do.

Seeing Susie so sad has saddened our Danny too. He took a big breath and stopped in his tracks. Susie didn't see him and nearly collapsed when she bumped into him, not looking ahead. Then she remembered the scene where she should've been dead, but she wasn't. And she was happy that it was a rat. Dunny asked if she's okay, and she said that she's not, and she started explaining her odd mice behaviour. That if she befriends him she'd be called a traitor but that it wasn't fair what the other mice say. Then she told him her plan to make one friend today.

She said, holding back tears, that the day was already at an end.
Dunny smiled.
Then he proudly said she's already his friend.

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