Kösem vs. Safiye part 2

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The following morning, Kosem dresses herself in one of the gowns she was gifted by Ahmed. It's blush pink with gold embroidery. It's tight around her bust and waist, but flares out on bottom, and has gold trim. The sleeves are long and silky, and she wears the tulip necklace.

She walks down from her chamber to the Hall of Maidens. As she reaches the end of the stairs she sees Rasha enter. She wears a light and flowing violet gown. It hugs her just under her bust, and has a small amount of embroidery.

"Mahpeyker!" Rasha calls out, and smiles a fake smile at her.

"My name is Kosem now, Rasha." She corrects her. "And what do you want?" The impatience is evident in her voice.

"I just wanted to tell you myself, that all is well with the baby and I. And when my son is born, I'll officially be our Hunkar's head woman." Rasha places on hand her belly for emphasis.

"Being the mother of the eldest son doesn't make you the favourite. I'll always be our Hunkar's head woman. Even if you give him hundreds of sons." Rasha is cut off from responding by Cennet Kalfa.

"Kosem Hatun! Safiye Sultan wants to see you." Cennet grabs her arm. Leaving no room for argument. Kosem takes her arm away, but follows her to Safiye's chambers.

As the walk closer, she can hear talking. A voice she doesn't recognize is speaking, "Is this apart of your personal collection Sultanim? If not, I have to take it."

"How do you even ask that?" She recognizes Bulbul's voice. "That ring was handed down from Hurrem Sultan, to Nurbanu Sultan and then to Safiye Sultan, so it is her personal property."

They round the corner and see Safiye's chamber doors open. It is filled with various chests. Full and fill. Various Agas and Kalfas are arranging, and taking different items.

Bulbul notices them and calls them over. "Our Sultanim wishes to speak to you alone on her balcony." They leave the Agas and Kalfas, only Bulbul stays behind to keep an eye on them.

Safiye sits down, and Kosem curtsies to her.

"I will not change our Hunkar's mind." Kosem says straight away.

"I thought you'd say that, but I have something that'll change your mind." She waves Cennet over. She gives her a small wooden box. Safiye opens it, and shows it to Kosem. Inside is Kosem's mother, Akilina's, ring.

"Where did you get that?" She asks. Shocked.

"A merchant named Enzo d'Artusio from Cephalonia, gave it to Naseeb Aga. He said his daughter was taken to the Palace, and only she would recognize it."

"My father is here in Istanbul?" She's still in shock.

"Yes he is. He's currently in... my care." Safiye says. Kosem's stomach drops.

"What do you want?"

"I am meant to leave for the Palace of Tears in two days time. I want you to change our Hunkar's mind before then, or your father dies."

Kosem's mind is reeling. "How do I know you actually have him? How do I know your not just something that to make me do your bidding?"

"Cennet, take her to him." Cennet nods, and motions for Kosem to follow her. They leave Safiye's chambers and walk to another part of the Harem. Cennet pushes on a wall when no one is looking, and it opens. They both slip in, and see a long corridor lined with torches. There's many other corridors connected to it, going in various directions.

Cennet leads her to the end of it, where a door is. She unlocks it, and inside is Kosem's father, bound and gagged.

"Baba!" She cries with joy. She runs to him, and quickly unties him. As soon as he's free, they hug. Joy overwhelming them both.

"Anastasia! Anastasia!" She can feel his chest heave as he begins to cry. He kisses her head, and she hugs him harder. They pull away. "My beautiful daughter! I finally found you!" He kisses her head once more. "My beautiful guardian angel. I missed you so much! I though I'd never see you again!"

"Me too Baba! I've missed you so much!"

"Kosem Hatun!" Cennet interrupts. "We have to go now. Safiye Sultan will want your answer." Kosem doesn't want to be separated from her father, but she knows she has too leave if she wants to save his life.

"Baba, I have to go, but I'll be back. I swear!" Enzo kisses her head once more, and they reluctantly let go. Kosem wipes her tears once more as they leave the room, and begin to walk down the corridor.

Kossm ruefully follows Cennet back to Safiye's chambers. She begrudgingly curtsies to her.

"I am to send the night with the Padishah. I will do everything I can to convince him to let you stay. As long as you don't lay another hand on my father."

"Change our Hunkar's mind, and I won't need too." Kosem curtsies once more, and storms out of the room. She goes back to her chamber, and shuts the door. She sits on her bed. Swirling with emotion. Sadness, fear, rage, and frustration.

The rage and frustration wins out, and she flips the table in her room.

What is she going to do?



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