Kösem and Baba (by midasandgold)

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Kosem's hair is curled, and she wears a beautiful red gown. It has stunning sliver embroidery and a square neckline. It flows out at the bottom, and has silk underneath. As well as silk sleeves. She puts on her tulip necklace, and places perfume around her bust and neck.

Haci Aga leads her to Ahmed's room, and knocks on the door. Ahmed calls out, "Enter!" And she goes inside. She curtsies to him, and he runs a hand through her hair.

Their kisses start out slow, but gradually become more intense. She leads Ahmed to his bed, and they spend the night in each other's arm.

The following morning, Kosem puts on a silk nightgown, and joins Ahmed for breakfast in his chambers.

"Ahmed, I've been thinking, maybe Safiye Sultan doesn't deserve to go to the Palace of Tears." She hesitates for a moment, "She's been here longer than any of us have been alive. She's practically the heart of this palace. And she is your grandmother. I don't want you to banish her and then regret it. You can still limit her power with her in the Harem. It might be even easier to watch her that way." She suggests.

She can tell Ahmed is processing what she's saying, "I'll think on it, Kosem." He leans forward and kisses her.

"That's all I ask." She smiles at him. Though she wishes he had said yes right away. The clock is ticking. She can't let her father die.

As hours passed, Kosem realizes she can't trust Safiye to keep her end of the bargain. And if Kosem fails to change Ahmed's mind, her father is lost.

She called Rizayi Hatun up to her room, on the pretext of simply talking. When she actually needs her help. She can't save her father alone. And something about Rizayi tells her she can be trusted.

Once the door is shut, Kosem blurts out everything. It is like a broken dam. Everything comes rushing out.

"That's... awful Kosem." Rizayi says, clearly shocked. "I knew Safiye liked power, but I never realized how ruthless she was." Kosem grabs her hands,

"That's why I need your help. I have an idea how to save my father without Safiye, and I can't do it without your help."

"What is it?" Rizayi looks nervous. Kosem leans over and whispers the plan. Making sure no one else can have the chance to hear.

Kosem goes to the room filled with Ahmed's gifts, and waits for Rizayi. The cariye has agreed. Praise Allah.

After what feels like eternity, the door swings open. Cennet Kalfa walks in with Rizayi.

"You called for me like you were a Sultan. How arrogant." Cennet gives her a sly smile.

Kosem ignores Cennet's comment, and nods at Rizayi. The girls grabs Cennet from behind, catching the Kalfa off guard. Kosem shoves a cloth in her mouth as Cennet goes to protest. Cennet falls to the ground and rips the cloth out of her mouth.

"What was on that cloth Kosem?!?" She places her hand to her head. "What was on that cloth!?!" She demands once more before collapsing.

Kosem quickly search's Cennet, and finds a ring of keys. She grabs them, and races out of the room, leaving Rizayi behind to make sure no one finds Cennet. Golge Hatun is waiting for her behind the corner, and they take off in the direction of the secret corridor.

When they arrive, Kosem pushes on the wall, and they run down the corridor.

Kosem's hands shake as she tries various keys on the lock. When it finally opens, she she sees her father has been tied up once more. She unites him, and they quickly hug,

"Baba we have to go before they find us. I'll take you to the docks. You can take a ship away from here. Tell Mama why I didn't come with you when you get home." Enzo quickly kisses her forehead.

"Why is she here!?!" He notices Golge Hatun. "She took you!"

"It's okay Baba, she's helping us." She takes him hand, and they run down the corridor.

The door of the corridor opens, and several Agas rush in. They grab her and her father, and knock out Golge.

Safiye Sultan comes in behind him, with Cennet at her side. "You thought you could outsmart me Kosem? How foolish of you." She gestures to the Aga holding her father, and he places a knife to his throat.

"No!" Kosem yells. "Leave him alone! I did what you asked!"

"Yet I'm still meant to leave tomorrow." Safiye states.

"I spoke with Ahmed, he said he'd think on it. Give it time, Sultanim! Please!":She begs.

"Make our Hunkar let me stay." Safiye demands.

"Nasya, it's okay. Don't do what she says." Enzo says, with the knife still to his throat,

"Baba, I can't let you die!" She protests.

"It was enough to see you once last time." He smiles at her through his tears.

"Do we have a deal Kosem?" Safiye asks once more.

"I told you, I've done what I can!"

"Well that wasn't good enough." Safiye nods, and the Aga slits her father's throat.

Kosem lets out a gut wrenching scream, and the Aga lets go of her. She runs to Enzo and cradles him in her arms.

"Baba!" She sobs. "Baba!" Her chest heaves, and she can feel herself getting light headed. Kosem grasps for breath and starts dry heaving. "Baba!" She lets out an scream, and passes out.

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