Denial and Doubt

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With a seemingly never-ending pile of paperwork piling up around her desk, Sara sat down to work. Determined to divert her attention from the tornado of feelings that threatened to swallow her, she lost herself in her job. But no matter how many emails she replied to or spreadsheets she completed, her thoughts would always return to Kris.

She made an effort to persuade herself that her feelings for him were only a transient infatuation, a moment of weakness that would pass quickly. He was, after all, her brother's bandmate, so getting close to him would only make everything more difficult. With the hope that the monotony of her daily routine would drown out the anguish in her emotions, she poured herself into her job.

Weeks passed, but Sara was unable to get rid of the image of Kris's chuckle or the sound of his smile. She was trying so hard to reject the unavoidable reality, yet it tormented her. When he asked her to hang out with the band, she would make an excuse not to spend time with him. She convinced herself that it was for the best and that the only thing she could do to shield herself from the impending heartbreak was to keep her distance.

However, as the days passed, Sara started to question her own determination. Was she honestly thinking that she didn't give a damn about Kris? Or was she just too scared to acknowledge the fact that she actually did feel more than she was ready to confess about her love for him?

She felt doubt creeping up on her, chipping away at her determination until she was forced to confront the reality. Kris's laughter, his presence, and the way he made her feel alive in a manner she had never felt before were all missed. And no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to ignore the obvious chemistry that erupted between them whenever they were together.

Sara came to the painful realisation that she couldn't ignore her emotions indefinitely. She needed to face them, admit the intensity of her feelings and the attraction she had for Kris. However, the idea of jeopardising everything—her brother's relationship or her own desires—was unsettling to her.

Sara was unable to resist the need in her heart but was stuck in a vicious cycle of denial and uncertainty, not knowing what lay ahead. Her thoughts returned to Kris as she gazed at the pile of papers on her desk, and she couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, it was time to give up on pretending and begin accepting the reality. 

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