Universe Travel (PT. 2)

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 🩶❤ + ✨ (THE IMAGE IS JUST GOOFY ASF SO YES) also, this recommendation is from foggy.ghoul


Stolas and Blitz were arguing, Blitz felt bad, but never apologized. Blitz didn't want to continue hurting Stolas, so he finally said, "I'm leaving!" and stomped out, slamming the car door as he got into his van.

Stolas rubbed his temples, he felt guilty too, and was about to call Blitz to apologize. He picked up his phone, and called the contact "Blitzy!♥" but there was no answer. 

He assumed that Blitz was being a safe driver (for once) and wasn't answering as to not be distracted. So later, Stolas called him again. No answer. Stolas began to get worried.

He thought for a moment, and then called Loona, "The fuck do you want bird puss?" Loona asked after answering, "I was wondering if Blitzy- I mean, Blitz, was okay..." he explained softly.

"Nope, he's in the hospital."

"WHAT?! And you didn't think to call me?!"

"I thought he'd  call you."

"Is he even CONSCIOUS?"

"I don't know" 

"Satan dammit, Loona"

Stolas hung up, and started driving to the hospital. He was shaking a bit, and when he finally pulled up to the hospital, he stormed in, "What room is Blitz Buckzo in?" he questioned, and a nurse led him to room 362. 

Blitz was laying in bed, watching a random horse documentary. Stolas rushes over to him "Oh my Satan, you're okay!" He exclaimed, tearing up. Blitz smiled and nodded "Yeah... I was kind of upset about our argument, so I turned on some badass music, and kinda... Crashed." He confessed, embarrassed. 

Stolas couldn't suppress a chuckle, "Did you break anything?" Blitz nodded and held up his arm, that had a cast on it, Loona signed it, as well as Millie and Moxxie. Stolas took out his own pen, and signed it, adding a little heart.

Blitz smiled and hugged Stolas, "Thanks..." Stolas smiled and patted Blitz on the head "You're welcome, Dear." 

A few gay hours later

"Sir, you have to leave." A nurse said, facing Stolas. "Shut the fuck up pussy-lips." Blitz shot back, and sent her out of the room. Blitz smiled at Stolas, "I honestly don't want to be alone right now..." 

"I don't want you to be alone..." Stolas responded, kissing Blitz on the cheek. (Looking at Stolitz images to boost my motivation) 

 (Looking at Stolitz images to boost my motivation) 

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I needed to share this one. (art by haramibara)

Stolas decided to sleep on the couch that was next to Blitz's bed, and he was fine with the discomfort, as long as he was with Blitz, he was happy. Stolas fell asleep soon after Blitz, hooting softly, Blitz liked it when Stolas did that in his sleep, it calmed him down.

At around 8 AM, Blitz woke up, seeing Stolas sipping coffee, "Good morning." He said, stretching and smiling at Stolas.

"Good morning." Stolas responded, looking happy, but his smile fades slightly "I'm sorry about our argument..." He apologized, looking guilty. Blitz smiled, "It's fine. I started it." He reassured. 

Stolas sighed and kissed Blitz on the forehead, "I love you." Blitz looked a bit taken aback by Stolas' words. "But... But I didn't do anything..?" Blitz said, confused, "You didn't have to, all you needed to do was be you, and I love that." Stolas said, smiling. "Stop being so fucking corny!" Blitz mumbled, blushing and looking away. 

Blitz suddenly pulled Stolas on top of him, but he simply sighed, and said, "I am not going to fuck you while you're on anesthetics." Blitz sighed, "Awww..."

"You never know, you might not want it when you wake up, and NO. You cannot bribe me with a sandwich. Stop trying." Stolas said, causing blitz to mumble, "Satan fucking dammit..." under his breath.



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pls give me ideas I am dying here

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