You Do Love Her, Right?

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*At the station*
Tim's POV
At the station I saw Lucy and gave her a small smile before heading into the changing room. It felt like she was avoiding me like the plague. I got changed into uniform and headed to roll call.
Lucy's POV
I saw time smile and headed to the changing rooms once he was inside. I was so embarrassed that my TO saw me like that crying and all vulnerable. I got changed into my uniform and headed to roll call. I saw Tim already seated by Angela through the glass and hoped he didn't see me looking at him.
Tim's POV
I saw Lucy glance at me through the glass. She looked away quickly and Angela noticed.
Angela: Hey what's up with her?
Tim: Oh nothing
Angela: Uh-huh
Tim: It was just something with Chris at the DA's office
Angela: Really? What happened?
Tim: Well i'm not really supposed to tell you but Chris sang THE SONG, the DOD song
Angela: What? How could he do taht to her?
Tim: I don't think he meant to but Lucy had a panic attack so...
Angela: so what?
Tim: Tamara called me because Chris was making it worse. Then Lucy decided not to testify and went home. I got a call from her later that night and she was panicking. So, I went to her apartment and calmed her down but she hadn't eaten to I ordered a pizza..
Angela: there's something missing from your story, I know it or you wouldn't have made a big deal and Lucy wouldn't be avoiding you Timothy
Tim: Ok fine, I think she's weirded out because well... we fell asleep watching a movie
Angela: WHAT?!? How?!?
Tim: Lower your voice were at work
Grey: Alright let's get started
Tim: Thank God
Angela: This conversation isn't over
Tim: Uh-huh
Lucy's POV
Grey started roll call but I wasn't focused. Recently I've been physically placed but not mentally. Tamara pointed out that j start to zone out and I don't even realize it. I heard snippets of what Grey was saying
Grey: Alright midnight shift did their jobs so there are no cases left for you guys to clean up...
I zoned out again and then heard my name
Grey: Chen... Officer Chen...
Lucy: Uh yes sir
Everyone started laughing but I just ignored it
Grey: you're almost done with training Chen, don't blow it
Lucy: Yes sir
After roll call dismissed I headed to grab the war bags and gear.
Tim: come on boot
Lucy: Yea coming sir
I grabbed the gear and bags quickly and speed walked to the shop. Tim already checked it so I put the bags in the trunk. I climbed into the passenger seat next to Tim. He started the car and we started our patrol. It was a very slow morning with no calls but I didn't want to jinx it so so stayed quiet.
Tim: How are you holding up?
Lucy: Good, thanks for asking
Tim: Yeah, of course
The shop was silent again I tried to think of conversation starters but nothing came to mind.
Tim's POV
It was awkward and quiet for no reason. It's not like anything happened so I don't get all the tension there is. I tried thinking of things to say but my mind went blank. She just stared at the window playing with a strand of hair hanging loose from her bun in a nervous way. I wanted to say something but I couldn't.
Tim: How's Tamara?
Lucy: She's good she met some intern at the DA's office she really likes
Tim: That's good, right?
Lucy: Yeah of course, i just hope he's a good guy. I mean he seems nice for her
Tim: that's great
It was silent again after that
Lucy's POV
I felt bad, i mean the unnecessary awkward silence. I didn't know what to ask so I just thought of something random.
Lucy: How's Rachel?
Tim: Um well to be honest i don't really know
Lucy: What do you mean you don't know?
Tim: well she's been talking about a promotion
Lucy: That's good! Right?
Tim: I mean yeah, and i'm happy for her but..
Lucy: but what
Tim: She might have to move out of LA for it and i don't know what would happen to us
Lucy: Well does she want you to move?
Tim: That's the thing, i think so but i don't know if I'm ready to leave my life behind
Lucy: What life, it's just the job and you can be a police officer elsewhere
Tim: Well yeah but i mean my house, my friends, Kojo isn't good with change, and you... I mean training you
Lucy: Well one, you can buy a new house, two you can call them and visit, three are you sure it's Kojo that isn't good with change? And four, don't worry i can find a new TO. I mean it might not be the same but it will work
Tim: What are you implying? That i'm the one not good with change?
Lucy: I mean... kind of
Tim: uh huh sure. Also, being trained by two different TO's would screw up your methods and you know it
Lucy: Fair, but me being trained shouldn't hold you up from a lifetime of new possibilities
Tim: I mean it wouldn't, who said that I...
Lucy: that you even want to go? I think you're making up excuses because you're not ready for change and don't know how committed you are to this girl or relationship in general.
There was a slight pause of silence between us
Lucy: I mean you do love her right?
Tim: ... well...
Dispatch: 7-Adam-19 possible 218 in progress 3 blocks from your location
Lucy: 7-Adam-19 in route to your location
Tim's POV
Thank God for that call because i don't know how I would answer that. I mean, maybe Lucy was right, maybe i'm not that committed to this relationship or maybe i'm just not ready for change or to commit that much. I mean, me and Rachel just started dating, what would happen if we broke up? I never even said I love you back, do I love her back? Of course I do, right?

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