The Beginning of a new life!

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It was like any other day, Ali was getting ready to go into Mata Academy when he's stopped by Cikgu Bidin (Aka, Ejen Karya), when he's about to put in his stamp card.
Ej. Karya told ali that the pillar leaders and the general have made a discussion about him and his agents' works. It's best if he stays home and is away from Mata for maybe about 7 to 12 weeks or so. It can be safer for everyone. Ali, at first, was upset and confused but soon realized why, so he complied with it.
Soon, Ali had to stay away from the Mata HQ or the Academy in general, just to be safe, though it wasn't really easy for Ali since he really wanted to show everyone of how he can change for the better, but at las it had to be this way for him to get away from Mata.

This scene is the beginning of the episode "Kembali," Like I said before, the plot and story will be quite different from the original plot.

The next morning...

Ali wakes up from his alarm and gets ready for school. He gets dressed and heads down to Zali Mart...
Ej. Bakar: ok, he's on the move now! *talking in an earpiece mic*
Ali makes it to Zali Mart...
Nothing is new, ali is looking at his fav komiks, but nothing is updated or changed about it, so he puts it back and grabs a canned drink and his koko chocolate bar when something caughts his eyes, right before he checks the items out...
Ali's pov: huh!? Isn't that....*looks towards a stack of candy pop lollipops*
Oh yea, these were one of the lollipops that Ej. Rizwan would....*memory coming back*....let's just forget about that, still I'm here and looking at these....oh well. I'll guess I'll just take some!
Ali took some of the lollipops and headed towards the cashier since he's about to pay for his items....though being the clumsy type he is, he knocks over his drink and it rolls over to Alicia where she was just casually spying on him....
Ali: eh? Alicia!?
*both of them leave the mart*
Ali: Since, when have you taken this route. I've never seen you take this route before, unless....
Ali: You're not staying at the Academy, aren't you?
Alicia: *sighs * No Ali, I'm not.
Ali: hmp! Ok then.

They both soon head into the school. Though, since this is a different plot story....
*Cikgu Bidin is just standing near the entrance of the school when....*

Ali pov's oh! It's Cikgu Bidin, I should ask or say hi to....him....never mind. I'll just say hi, and that'll be the end of it, I won't make weird gestures...that's embarrassing.
Ali: Hi Cikgu Bidin!
Cikgu Bidin gives him a weird look....
Cikgu: Hello Ali.

Ali soon leaves and heads to the cafeteria when his friend Viktor is, while Cikgu Bidin and Alicia just stare at each other....
Alicia: Um, was that Ali just now... right..
Cikgu: Yes, that was Ali, although that was a bit odd. I thought he would make a weird gesture....

The next scenes are the exact same, though....
Ali asks Viktor if he knows where Alicia lives, and he says no.

*In the homeroom classroom,

Miss Punah is teaching the class about water....really water, ok then anyway.

Cikgu: Um, Miss Punah... I need Alicia for the stamp club.
Punah: Seriously, you take Alicia every week now. You guys must have a lot of stamps....oh, well, Alicia!
*In this scene, ali raises his hand and asks if he can go to the restroom and spies on Alicia, Uncle, and Ej. Karya, though in this case, he doesn't raise his hand and just focuses on his class instead, which makes Cikgu Bidin and Alicia notice this,
Cikgu pov's: Huh, I thought ali would follow Alicia and me, but I guess not... I wonder what's gotten into ali this week?
Alicia pov's: Wth!? I thought he would follow us. Is there something going on with him or what...I need to ask him later....

Everything went normal as usual, ali doesn't look for Alicia's stamp id, which is weird....but whatever, he soon exists the school with Viktor by his side and they both say bye to each other when...
Ali pov's: Finally, now I can get
Alicia: ALI!!!!
Ali pov's: huh!? That sounded just like...*turns around to see Alicia standing behind him*
Ali: AAAAHHH!!! *Falls to the ground* Alicia....uh, apa yang anda perlukan alicia, hehe....
Alicia: Are you okay, Ali!?
Ali: Huh? Oh yea, I'm fine. Why do you say that?
Alicia: cause it's weird that you didn't follow me and Cikgu Bidin to the storage room or stopped us, that's why I think it's weird!
Ali: Oh, that! I just think it's for the better
Alicia: better for what?
Ali: Um,'s nothing, I'm gonna go now Alicia, uh talk to you again....uh bye now Alicia!
Alicia: Wait, Ali...gggrrrr * What are you hiding ali...are you feeling okay*

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