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The atmosphere went quiet for a moment. Then everyone started talking in unison. It felt like the whole class was just blankly staring at him with no emotions. It really made Ali uncomfortable. But oh well, ali then went to sit down to his seat.

Classmate 1: psst, Hi Ali!!!

Ali: Um, hello...hehe nice to meet you all.

Classmate 2: Wow! We never had a student with a long name before?

Ali: Oh! Um, thank you. I guess....

Gopal: And you don't look like you're familiar around here either.

Ali:....Uh yea, me and my dad just moved here last week.

Ali: So, this place is kinda new to me still...hehe

Ying: ~oOh, where did you come from Ali? You must've come from a far away place.

Ali:Yea....I came from a city called "Cyberraya"

Classmate 3: Cyberraya? That must be a very far far place than here. What kind of a city is Cyberraya, Ali?

Ali: Uh....it's an advanced technology city, and there are three founders who make the city more advanced than any other city....my ayah is one of the founders.

Gopal:Dey! Your ayah is one of the founders of your old city, and he's here on this ISLAND????

Ali: Yea, he got some sort of promotion, and his workplace was moved here.

Boboiboy: Ooh! Wait, so that means, you're dad can make any types of gadgets and weaponry?

Ali: Uh...yea, something like that!

At this point, everyone in the room got quiet and was amazed by what Ali just said. They really wanted to hear more.

Gopal: Dey! Can you tell us more? Come on, come on!!!

Ali was just uncomfortable at this point since he was being pressured into telling them everything about Cyberraya and his ayah.

Yaya: Hey! Don't do that. Gopal, he doesn't have to tell us anything else if he doesn't feel comfortable.

Ying: Yeah! What if he did the same to you and asked you where you live? Huh?  Or your personal life?

Boboiboy and Fang just nod and agree with the two girls.

Fang: You really need to think about others' boundaries and personal space. 

Gopal: hehe....*embarrassed* Sorry, Ali!

Ali*sighs quietly* It's okay.

Soon, everyone stopped pestering Ali about Cyberraya and His Ayah, though they were really interested in his hometown.

Soon, school went normally and ended as everyone had expected. Soon, the Kokotiam gang showed Ali to the Koko cafe, where his grandpa and ochobot.

Ali: Ooh! So this where you're Grandpa works at....*looks over to Ochobot* Eh? Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Hm? What is it, Ali?

Ali: Why is there an actual floating robot here?

Boboiboy: Oh! That's ochobot. He's my best friend and he's the one who gave us special powers.

Ali's pov: Powers? Actual working robots without a human aid? What is this place!

Boboiboy: Hi, Tok! This is our new classmate, Ali. He's from a city called Cyberraya. His ayah just moved here last week.

Tok Aba: Hm? Oh! Hey there, welcome to Rintis Island. How do you like this place so far, Ali?

Ali: Hehe....Hi, and um, I already like this place so far.

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