Adu Du

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Now, on to the story~

Ali is now happily living in his new home, new place, and even made some new friends.

Though, not everything will be so peaceful. There's always an enemy that everyone knows....and he always comes back for revenge!

Adu Du: Finally, I can get my revenge to Boboiboy!!! When Probe brings in the new device, I'll be even stronger than him *evil laughing*

Probe: Ooooh! Mister Boss, I have the new weapon you asked me to bring.

Adu Du: Perfect~ Excellent Probe Excellent *pats Probe* Now I have the super powerful new weapon to defeat Boboiboy!!!!

*pulls out an auto mechanic spatula*

Probe: Hehehe, isn't it cool, Mister Boss? Now you can defeat Boboibo-
*gets hit by the spatula*

Probe: Owch! Why did you do that, Mister Boss?

Adu Du: Why is it a spatula!? I ordered you to get me the new elemtal power watch that they caught! But why do I have a SPATULA!!!!!

Probe: Ooooh! The new galactic power watch you mean?

Adu Du: Yes, that one! Where is it.


Adu Du: What!? Spit it out already.

Probe: Hehe....I accidentally dropped the watch on my way here....

Adu Du:......YOU DID WHAT!?

Adu Du: Well then, where did you lose it?

Probe: Uh....somewhere near boboiboy's home!

Adu Du: *sighs* Probe get ready. We have to find it before boboiboy does again.

Probe: Yes, Mister Boss!

Soon Probe and Adu Du get ready to find the new galactic power watch that's somewhere near boboiboy's home.
*With the Kokotiam gang*

Gopal: Eh! It's so boring with no new missions.

Boboiboy: Yea, nothing new is going on here anymore.

Soon, Ali arrives at the Koko cafe and with some sort of sphere he's holding as well.

Ali: Hi everyone!

Kokotiam gang: Hey Ali.

Fang: Hm, what's that, Ali?

Yaya: Yea, it looks like a power box!

Ali: er.....I just found this outside when I was taking a little stroll.

Ochobot: Hm? There's some weird energy coming off from the box Sphere. May I take a look, Ali?

Ali: Of course, here you go, Ochobot.

As soon as Ochobot takes the sphere, it starts to glow more as soon as Ochobot opens it, and it shows some kind of watch.

Gopal: OOOOH! A new power watch!

*Ochobot scans the watch*

Boboiboy: So what kind of power watch? Is it ochobot?

Ochobot: It's some sort of elemental watch!


Ying: So like boboiboy's watch?

Ochobot: Yes, it's like Boboiboy's watch, but it has different elements and modes as well, and it's a lot stronger than Boboiboy's original watch.

Fang: What are the elements?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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