A new life

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I'm dead of the night near Cyberraya beach. Ali is splashing waters and building a sandcastle, bored out of his mind.

The full moon light is illuminating the beach, making it sparkling beautiful.

This is one of Ali's safe places. He had the feeling to hang out here.

And playing with the water and sand.

Ali: Tch-*pout* Not knowing what to do is sure boring....

He sat on the beach while looking out to the ocean.

After his encounter with the agents at the mall, he had this lingering feeling that they would find him no matter what. And the murderous glances he got from the mentors don't help either, especially from Ej. Leon.

He let out a small sigh before slowly getting up and walking closer to the ocean. He told his dad that he'll be staying with Viktor today and his dad was okay with that, since he knows his son well....that was a lie, though.

He took off his shoes and started walking to the ocean water, feeling the cold small waves hitting his ankle feels relaxing.

Bet if anyone looks at him right now, he'll be declared mentally unstable.

Who cares? He's happy like this.

Free and happy, away from his old agent life.

The life that he didn't choose.

Well, some may call him selfish, but he wants to be himself too....

How many mistakes has he made and for people to use him?

Everyone laughed at him, mocked him, and called him usless to the point of breaking down, but it doesn't matter to Ali anymore.

Enough playing in the water when suddenly his phone was ringing....*ting..

Ali: Hmm, who would call me at this hour- oh its dad! *thinks* Oh god, did he find out that i stayed past curfew and not stay with Viktor...oh god what do I tell him...oh god!

Ali then took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Next, he took the call that his dad was calling him.

Ayah: Ali?

Ali: Um, hi Ayah. Do you need something?

Ayah: Yes, I have something to tell you, and it's kinda bad news....

Ali thought to himself and wondered what the bad news could be.

Ali: What's the bad news?

Ayah: *sighs* I just talked to Dato Othman, and he said that some of us will have to move to a different workplace next week.

Ali: Oh! Ok, but what does

Ayah: That includes me! We have to move somewhere far away from Cyberraya... Ali.

Ali stopped working for a minute and then reverted back into reality.

Ali: Hehe, nice joke dad....right?

Ayah: I'm not joking ali, we have to permanently move until whatever Dato Othman is planning next for us.

Ali: b-but what about my friend Viktor and my school and comot?

Ayah: We can say bye to Viktor and Aunt Faye. We can try to take comot if that's possible....I can enroll you into another school when we get to the destination okay?

Ali:.....okay ayah! But where are we exactly moving to, and when are we leaving exactly?

Ayah: It's somewhere far from here. The place is called Rintis Island (Pulau Rintis), and it's very far from here, but there's a good school there that I can enroll you in.

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