To the night we met (SharpGame) 🩵❤️

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This is a ship between my host (Butch) and co-host (Chess Piece)
From my show The Cooking Object-ive or TCO

Also human cause I don't know— this is very poorly written over the course of like 3 months....

It was a late college Friday night. People rustled around to party's and dorm rooms for sleep and leisure, while others put bags in cars to go home. Chess sat silently on a bench outside on the veranda with a book on molecular biology he picked up from the campus library.

It was late October, not too cold but not too warm. There definitely was a draft of wind or two that was frigid enough to make him want to go inside. However, even with the chill the outside felt calming. Little chatter in the yard of the other students was calming in a way; it made him feel more welcome.

As it got closer to 9, he closed the book and began to walk back to him dorm. Passed trees and people who waved at him that he never remembered the names of. On the way, he stoped at the stairs to his building as a small building across the street caught his eye. The building wasn't big, definitely a restaurant, yet not too busy. He had noticed it a couple of times before, but the cold made the place more appealing. People inside basked by warm light, sitting in groups of two or 4 with laptops and coffee. He stood there for a moment, contemplating, looking down at the book in his hand.

'I guess I probably should eat before I go back upstairs...'
Chess thought. 'I'll just finish my book, easy!"

He quickly walked across the street, waving a quick hello to the lady standing outside smoking a cigarette.

When he walked in, he was immediately struck by the sudden warm lights. Everyone was talking loud about different things, it was almost overwhelming. He recognized a few people out of the crowd, not anyone he was close to.

"Hi!" The lady said, coming back inside from her smoke and sitting back at the welcome booth. "How are you this evening?"

"I'm alright! Thank you!"

Chess nervously laughed as the lady got up to lead him to a table at the end of the room. She left after he sat down. With a heavy sigh he looked at the menu, trying to shake off the anxiety from that quick interaction. There was no doubt in his mind that he was bad at talking to people. Everyone knew it, he knew it, he tried to avoid long conversations as much as possible. It made it harder to embarrass himself that way.

The menu had all the typical food items on it, mostly resembling a simple diner type restaurant. He picked a simple item off the list and placed the menu on the table and re-opened his book.

"What are you reading?" A low voice said beside him.

"Oh, just some science stuff, nothing too impressive."

Chess looked up at the man at his table, a quick distraction from his studies. The man was tall and muscular with a slightly rounded jaw line, wearing a simple red jacket that complimented his spiky grey hair with jeans. He wore a sweet smile and very light facial hair that suit him quite nicely. To say Chess was awe struck would be an understatement.

"What can I get you Mr.Scientist?"

Chess quickly shook his head and ordered his meal, he was almost sure he mumbled part of it... "and... I-I'm Chess Piece by the way."

"Nice. I'm Butch, or Butchers Knife as I'm supposed to say. Butch is fine though." He smiled. "I'll get that right out for you man."

Chess quickly looked back to his book, feeling his face heat up as the waiter walked away. He hoped the man didn't notice. Though judging by his obvious stutter and now probably red face... there was no way he didn't. He couldn't help but question why he's a scientist but can't talk to a hot dude without getting scared. Gay panic is not something he's researched, though it would probably be interesting to learn about....

'I'm not gonna be able to focus on the rest of this book... god damnit' Chess rested his head on the back of the seat as he waited for his food.

Not long passed before Butch came back to the table with 2 plates. Which was odd cause he only ordered one thing-

"You mind if I eat with you? I just got off my shift," he let out a hearty laugh, "also here's your food!"

Butch excitedly put the plate down as he waited for a response.

"I- uhhh, sure!"


Butch sat down across from Chess, starting to eat what he assumed was the man's dinner for the night.

"Are you allowed to eat out here with guests?" Chess asked, trying to not show how nervous he was.

"I mean not technically-" Butch started, "but I do anyway when there's a free table or someone I know, don't tell my mother though! She's the owner"

"Oh cool! You go to the college?"

"Yeah, I'm a culinary major with a media minor."

"Oh- so I guess the charisma was implied then!" Chess laughed and adjusted his glasses.

"Is it a bad thing?"

"No! Not at all! Just... surprising"

"How is it surprising?"

"Oh! Well- I'm a general science major and do a lot of data graphing, I'm used to only talking to nerdy folks. You know?"

"Ohhhh," Butch dragged, "that makes a lot of sense! If you're ever looking for friends though I'm probably around."

"What? You don't have a ton of friends or something"

"Well you see- I'm not the most manly- and not a lot of guys around are chill with that for like parties and stuff." The very manly looking man looked to the side of him to the rest of the restaurant, his smile falling for a moment.

Chess stoped for a moment, nervously running a hand through his thin hair. "Wow... I wouldn't have guessed that-"

"Is that a problem for you..."

"No! I completely get it- It's just surprising cause you look.... Like that..."

"I get that a lot-"

The rest of the night felt like a fast blur of conversation until 11:30, most of the restaurant was cleared and Butch eventually was told to close up and stop talking to Chess. But luckily for him, he did end up getting the man's number for later :)

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