Chapter 19

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Only the sound of my trainers squeaking against the stone floors were heard as I ran down the corridor, occasionally losing my footing but catching myself on a few not so comfortable statues and walls..

"I thought we were fucking done with this shit!" Oliver Wood shrieked, chasing behind me at a sluggish pace

I scoffed and continued on to the safety of the dungeons. He thought bloody wrong.

You see, it's been about three days-

Three days of him staring at me.

Three days of him trying to get my attention in class.

Three days of sending sweets (that I was ultimately still wary about due to the last encounter I had with a box of his sweets, so I thought to allow Miles to test them on Marcus first.)

Three days of utter crap, basically.

So, I decided to spice things up a bit.

It's been awhile since I last caused him physical distress..

I woke up a bit earlier than usual, found my way into the Gryffindor tower and set up pots of honey outside of his dormitory door as well as the portrait so even if he washed off the first pot, he had another waiting on him.

I even took the liberty of setting another outside the side doors he uses to get to the pitch, and another right inside the Gryffindor locker room.

Then, and let me take a moment to pat myself on the back for this one, I charmed the shower pipes in the locker room to spew only green dyed water.

Talk about Slytherin pride!

And that's not all folks, oh no, I had something much better.

I managed to steal each and every one of his left socks.

Now, if you know anything about Oliver Wood, know this; he is obsessive about what goes on his feet.

Total nutter, honestly.

Makes his dear old Mum purchase these oddly cozy and ridiculously expensive sheep's wool socks all the way from stinkin' Norway, but enough of that.

I also moved his bedroom furniture to the right about six centimeters just for kicks.

Because well, he'll be running into things and stubbing toes in no time!

And that's what is absolutely beautiful about this.

"I'm fucking sticking to the bloody floor!" I heard him belt out

I let out a cackle as I slipped into the Slytherin common room, falling back against the stone door and stretching my arms out to my sides.

"Today will be a good day," I smiled to myself, "A very good day."

Making my way up to my room, I had my shower and decided to wake up my guys.

I tip toed up their stairs, careful to watch my footing and to be quiet.

Pressing my ear against the door, I heard nothing.

A wicked smirk graced my face as I creaked open their door, closing it behind me.

All of my boys were sound asleep, snoring like fog horns on a ship.

Even better.

Making the last minute decision to start with Marcus, I creeped over to his mattress and jumped away just as quickly!

There was a red head in there with him!

Bloody hell.

I rolled my eyes and went for Graham, just 'cause.

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )Where stories live. Discover now