Chapter 6

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I threw my alarm clock across the room as soon as it sounded. Not bothering to look in the mirror, I brushed my teeth and left my hair in the sloppy bun that I fell asleep in.

The room was a bit chilly so I decided on a long sleeve shirt, some gloves and running tights. It was only 4:30 in the morning -- or at night, depending on your view -- so I pulled a bottle of water and granola bar from my trunk and ate on the way outside.

Two and a half hours later, I jogged back into the castle. My body was begging for a bath. Everyone was still asleep when I got in so I stripped down and-


My skin was fucking purple. PURPLE! I ran to the mirror and screamed. My whole god damn body was PURPLE. 

I jumped in the shower not even bothering to set the temperature until I got in and scrubbed for what felt like hours, but it wouldn't come off!

It just got darker.. Oliver Wood was going to pay for this. He laced his damn sweets and made me turn purple.

"Oh no.." I whispered, slapping a hand to my forehead. Each of my friends had some. "No, no, no, no, no,no,no-"

I didn't bother turning the water off before I ran out to check the girls. 

"We're fucking purple!" I shrieked, ripping the comforters from their bodies

"What?" Daphne mumbled, rubbing her eyes. I tossed her hand mirror to her and she screamed.

"What happened to my face!" 

"We have to check the boys!" I cried, not caring that I ran out the room in nothing but my towel

I jetted up the stairs, praying that nobody had seen me. I slammed open their door and gasped.

Every boy was a different shade of purple. "Oh my god!" Tears were streaming down my face by now and all the boys sat up wide eyed

"Why are we fucking purple?!" Miles was loud enough for all of Hogwarts to hear us.

I was sobbing by this point and Cassius picked me up and carried me over to his bed.

"We," sob. "look," sob. "like," sob. "fucking," sob. "pixies!"

I was hysterical at this point. I have purple fucking skin and I never payed attention long enough to my tutor from home to find out how to change it!

Miles took me from Cass's arms and squeezed me tight. "We'll find a way to turn back, I promise."

He slid his hand up and down my thigh and back soothingly. I stopped sobbing into his chest and looked up at him.

It was Sunday. Maybe we could sneak down to the hospital wing..

"We need to get to the hospital wing." Graham was always the voice of reason.

But, who was taking that chance of being humiliated in front of the entire school?

"I'll do it. Pomfrey usually expects me there at least once a week." Miles shrugged.

He pulled Cass's blanket over me and went over to his drawer. He tossed some of his clothes over at me and pointed to the bathroom.

"Change into that. We're not gonna let anyone see you."

Something about his voice just calmed my nerves. I nodded and trailed into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I slid on Mi's sweatpants. They fit me around the butt but were entirely too big on my waist and too long for my legs, so I rolled them up.

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )Where stories live. Discover now