29. 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"तेनु इतना मैं प्यार करां
इक पल विच सौ बार करां
तू जावे जे मैनू छड्ड के
मौत दा इंतज़ार करां
के तेरे लिए दुनिया छोड़ दी है
तुझपे ही सांस आके रुके
मैं तुझको कितना चाहता हूँ
ये तू कभी सोच ना सके" 💗

"तेनु इतना मैं प्यार करांइक पल विच सौ बार करांतू जावे जे मैनू छड्ड केमौत दा इंतज़ार करांके तेरे लिए दुनिया छोड़ दी हैतुझपे ही सांस आके रुकेमैं तुझको कितना चाहता हूँये तू कभी सोच ना सके" 💗

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We shifted in our new home and We helped each other to get our things settled. Though, Navya was upset due to her staying away from the family she still managed to continue her daily routine.

And today we've decided to go on a movie date just because my wife wants us to. And look at this unromantic woman who wants to watch an action movie. *sigh* And after completing the movie we got back in our car.

"So, did you enjoy the movie?". I asked and Navya turned her head to look at me

"Oh, definitely! It was so much fun. I can't believe we finally got to see it." She grinned ear to ear.

"I'm glad you liked it. I knew you would enjoy the action". She nodded her head.

"Yeah, those were amazing! But I have to admit, I got a little scared during the intense parts."

As she completed a smirk grew wider on my face.

"Scared? I thought you were the fearless one" . And she hit me on my bicep.

"Hey, even fearless people need a little excitement sometimes. Plus, it gave me an excuse to hold your hand".

And this is when I felt my ears and neck Heating up. Even her smallest words leave a huge effect on me. But don't lose your composure Arjun.

"Ah, so that's why you were squeezing it so tightly. I thought you were trying to break my fingers." As I continued teasing her, giggles left her mouth.

"Well, you know, I have to make sure you're still here with me, protecting me from the scary movie monsters." She winked my side.

"Oh, of course, I'm your knight in shining armor. But don't worry, I'll always be here to save you from any monsters, whether they're on the big screen or not". She smiled as our eyes met.

"You sound like a superhero". She added.

"Does that mean I get a cape and a cool superhero name?" I uttered and she laughed.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it. But for now, you can just be my very own "Captain Charming." She said and I smiled more like grinned.

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