I'm quater latino, of course...

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I'm quarter Latino, of course I'm always the loudest person in a room

I'm quarter Latino, of course I talk way too much

I'm quarter Latino, of course every damn pair of pants is too long for me.

I'm quarter Latino, of course I have incredibly dark, strong, thick hair

I'm quarter Latino, of course everyone thinks I'm German

I'm quarter Latino, of course I resent my mother for not raising me bilingually

I'm quarter Latino, of course I had curls as a little child

I'm quarter Latino, of course I can try to curl my eyelashes, but it WON'T FUCKING WORK

I'm quarter Latino, of course I feel Spanish music more than anything else

I'm quarter Latino, of course someone can handle my hair (it's too thick)

I'm quarter Latino, of course I can talk a lot more than I can write

I'm quarter Latino, of course I'm always asked in Latin what that means in Spanish

I'm quarter Latino, of course I was the only child who had a piñata at their birthday party

I'm quarter Latino, of course I get sunburned all the time because I always think I don't need sunscreen

I'm quarter Latino, of course I never know the vocabulary for twenty (venta? venti? vento?)

I'm quarter Latino, of course I always think I understand Spanish

I'm quarter Latino, of course I judge people when they mispronounce Spanish words (ll is pronounced like the y in yes!)

I'm quarter Latino, of course I identify with it too much, I mean who wants to be German?

I'm quarter Latino, of course I've never been to Venezuela

I'm quarter Latino, of course I have 400 Merida t-shirts

I'm quarter Latino, of course my grandpa always speaks Spanish to me and I don't understand anything

I'm quarter Latino, of course I don't know who belongs to my family

I'm quarter Latino, of course my family lives all over the world

I'm quarter Latino, of course I have brown hair and brown eyes

I'm quarter Latino, of course I've tried dyeing my hair red

I'm quarter Latino, and of course I gesticulate very expansively

I'm quarter Latino, of course I'm not embarrassed by anything

I'm quarter Latino, of course I have a Spanish first name and a German last name

I'm quarter Latino, of course I love South American food

I'm quarter Latino, of course my family is more Catholic than Jesus Christ himself.

I'm quarter Latino, of course I've been dancing since I was two

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