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have you awakened?
thank the Lord because someone hasn't.
did you know life is fleeting and grace is unending? shouldn't you be glad to be alive? shouldn't you praise the Lord Jesus and thank God our father who sent His son to take away the sin of the world.

sisters and brothers in Christ, rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! for what is man but breath to his nostrils? what is living if it's not in Christ? Verily verily, everything will pass away, but not so much the word of God.

it's better to die believing than doubting God to find he truly exists.
look up and see the signs, the times,
our redemption draws near! rejoice,
and pray for the salvation of many.

be that voice in the desert proclaiming Him, who was, is and is to come.


God bless you all.

Psalms 67:1, James 5:13

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