make me understand the depths of Your knowledge, for I stand astounded by the lengths of Your love, the breathe of Your life, the grace of Your son, even more, so much more-the indwelling of You in this temple for Your Spirit moves, speaks, sanctifies.
how is it You're before all, in all and through all, without which nothing isn't that is. ease my mind, for i pace, ponder on this yet i can't place it all; for you transcend my understanding. even angels watch amazed by the secrets revealed to us-that weren't in the days of old. back when prophets and saints longed to behold you-
you are mystery.
A/N: Thanks for reading ♥
Amen (:
Ransomed by Grace
Espiritual🍃Bought back at a price by this unmerited favour from Him who is before all, in all, over all and through all, with Him everything holds together. This is amazing grace.