moving in

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"Awe man, he left?" Ken asks, watching their roommate closing the door behind him with his luggage in his hands. 

"I keep telling you kids to clean up your mess when you're finished eating" N says in a sigh, picking up the yogurt cups left on the table.

"Oh come on N, he didn't leave because we make a mess" Ravi says. 

Hyuk then randomly comes out of nowhere, snatching the yogurt cup form N's hand and spilling the rest into his mouth. 

"Hyuk, don't do that!" N exclaims, grabbing the yogurt cup back from Hyuk's hands and throwing it into the garbage. 

"He was probably freaked out about the relationships going on in our apartment." Hongbin says in a pout, joining everyone else in the room. 

"Don't say that bean~" Hyuk says, coming up from behind Hongbin and wrapping his arms around him. 

"Yeah, there's rumors going around that if you live here you'll become gay which is a load of bull-" 

"You watch your mouth mister!" N says to Ravi, cutting him off. 

"Who's gonna want to be our roommate now?" Ken says in a sigh, plopping himself down onto the couch with Ravi, sitting closely next to him. 

"Don't worry kids, I'll make posters and put them up around the school and see if anyone calls to ask to be our roommate." N says in a smile. 

"Alright, and N hyung please don't call us 'kids' the last roommate got freaked out." Hyuk says, looking at N seriously. 

"But you're all like my little children; I provide a roof for you kids along with putting food on the table." N says in a smile. 

"Yeah but we help pay rent" Ken says in a mumble that only Ravi could hear which made himself and Ravi chuckle. 

"Well we should just hope that someone calls by the end of this week, I'll make the posters now." N says in a smile, walking back into his own bedroom. 


"I think I'm old enough to live by myself, dad" Leo says standing in front of his father who was sitting in his office in a brown, leather chair. 

His father then looked up from the paper work he had sitting in front of him on his desk as he asks, raising an eyebrow "why do you want to leave?" 

Leo looked at his father straightforward and said in a clear voice "because I think I'm old enough to take care of myself." 

His father thought about it for a bit and then looked back down at the papers on his desk as he says "you're free to do as you wish."

It was like Leo couldn't believe what he was hearing, he's been asking his father if he could move out since a year and a half ago and now it was finally happening. Leo was excited but kept a timid expression on the outside as he bowed to his father, thanking him and then turning around and leaving his father's office. 

Leo quickly went back to his bedroom and started packing his things. He had already planned it out; he's had his eyes set out on this one apartment for years and has been saving up his allowance to buy it. 

The next day came and like every day Leo went to school, but right after school he was going visit the apartment he wanted to buy. As he was on his way to class a poster caught his attention as he stared at it for a while on the wall.

His eyes then opened wider in shock as he realized, the apartment on the poster was the apartment he's been saving up for all these years to buy. "That apartment is so run down...why would anyone want it?" Leo thought, kind of upset and angry that someone took it before him. 

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