Amusement park

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The next day came and everyone woke up bright and early in the morning to get to the amusement park early. 

"Come on kids, we have to move, move, move!" N yells, banging on everyone's bedroom doors and slowly everyone started to wake up in a groan.

As everyone was fully awake, Leo was already in the kitchen making breakfast while Ravi, Ken, Hyuk, Hongbin and N were all sitting around the table. 

As Leo brought the food to the table everyone dug into the meal and N then says in a smile "is everyone going to be okay at the amusement park today?" 

"We'll be fine N, jeez...and I'll be with Hongbin the whole day anyway" Hyuk says in a smile, scooting his chair closer to Hongbin and wrapping his arm around Hongbin's waist. 

"I'll be with Ravi" Ken says in a smile, looking at Ravi in his eyes when N then looked a little startled. 

"Wait...does that mean Leo and I will be alone together the whole morning?" N asks, not trying to sound rude. 

"Yeah, what's so wrong about that hyung?" Ken says, wiggling his eyebrows which N only sighed too and his heart then started pounding. 

As breakfast was done, Leo was washing the dishes and everyone else went to go get ready. 

N was in his bedroom, frantically searching through his closet for what to wear. "What should I wear...should I wear the red shirt? N-No, Red shouldn't be worn in the spring, it should be worn in the fall...should I wear my green hoodie? No it'll look like I'm going to the gym ugh, why is it taking me so long to choose what to wear, it's not like Leo and I are going on a date or anything!" N says, messing his own hair up in frustration. 

N ended up wearing a black t-shirt with white printing on it, along with blue jeans and black converse. He then looked in his food body mirror, turning around to see how he looked like at all angles and sighed. 

"Why am I taking so much thought into what I'm wearing, I-I don't care how Leo sees me...yeah I have a tiny crush on him, but it's probably just a fluke, there shouldn't be any reason to get my hopes up." N says, passing by his dresser where on top of it were a couple of colognes. 

He hesitated as he picked one up and sprayed some cologne on himself before leaving his bedroom. 

Leo had just finished the dishes as Leo walked out of the kitchen and passed by N to go to his own bedroom to get changed and ready. 

Ken and Ravi had then come out as well and Ken gave a sly smirk, sniffing N, asking "why'd you put cologne on N?" 

"None of your business" N says, looking at Ken and then heading to the front door. 

Hyuk and Hongbin then came out as well with a backpack on Hyuk's back and Ravi then asking "what's in the backpack Hyuk?" 

"Oh, Hongbin wanted to bring his camera to take pictures with at the amusement park, so I'm bringing it in my backpack." Hyuk says in a smile. 

"Can't he just wear it around his neck or something?" Ken asks, looking at Hongbin. 

"What if I want to go on a ride Ken, I'm not leaving my camera out in the open while I'm on a ride, I'd rather leave the backpack on the side." Hongbin answers.

Leo then came out of his own bedroom, changed and ready to go and with that, all the boys then leave the apartment deciding what car to take. 

"We'll take my car" Ravi says, taking out his car keys from his pocket and they all then walk to Ravi's car. 

Ravi was driving the car while Ken was sitting in the passenger's seat, Hyuk, Hongbin, N and Leo, all sitting in the back. 

N was explaining the rules to the four boys while Leo was listening to his own music on his phone. 

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