My sister?!

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Leo ended up running as far away from the apartment as possible and once he didn't recognize where he was, he stopped running and looked around him.

It looked like he was in some sort of abandoned section of the city. The houses and the shops looked run down and old, everything around him looked ancient. "J-Just how far did I run?" Leo thought to himself, looking around.

He then shook his head, thinking to himself "this is the least if my worries...I have to figure out a way to stay in that apartment...staying there...will make me forget about the past."

As Leo was looking around him, he was trying to find at least one person so he could ask them where he was, but he couldn't even see anyone in sight. "What the heck, how far did I go?" Leo asks himself once again, still looking around.

At that moment someone then comes up to Leo form behind him and grabbed his shoulder.

Once Leo felt someone grab a hold of his shoulder, he jumped a bit getting startled and looked behind him to see who that person was.

"Kid, what're you doing out here?!" The man asks, he looked like he was in his forties and his clothes looked warn out and dirty.

Leo was kind of hesitant to say anything to the man, he could be on drugs.

The man then continues to say "you shouldn't be out here at this time of're in the east side of town now...this is where all the gangs are, if you stay out here, you'll get shot!" The man says, grabbing Leo's wrist and dragging him into a building.

Leo looked at the man confused and once he was in the building, he shook his wrist out of the mans grip and asks "what're you doing, let go of me!"

"You'll die out there at a time like this, wait until day break before you continue to go on your way" the man says, looking at Leo seriously.

Leo still thought the man was on drugs and was about to turn around and leave the building when a women was right behind him and says in a smile "he might sound crazy, but he's just trying to protect you."

Leo looked at the women and then at the man and sighed as he says "alright, I'll stay for the night."

"I'm sorry darling...did my husband scare you?" The women asks, now walking to Leo's side and leading him up into the abandoned building that from what it looked like, looked like an abandoned hospital.

" why'd you drag me all the way in here?" Leo asks, looking around a little freaked out, the scenery around him made him feel like he was in some sort of horror movie.

"This is where we live" the old man says; now walking on Leo's other side.

Leo was looking back from the women to the man and was a little scared to follow them as he asks "where're you taking me?"

"We live in one of the poorest parts of town, this part is kind of forgotten by the rest of Seoul, most people don't even know this place exists because it's a gang territory so most of the people who use to live here before the gangs took over ten years ago went into hiding, some kids even lost their families so they now live here with us." The women explains, looking at Leo in a smile.

Leo nodded meaning he understood the women now and was a little less scared. Leo then thought to himself "so then that means the apartment isn't too far from this place..."

"Here is everyone" the women says, walking into a room with a whole bunch of kids crowding around some lit firewood trying to stay warm.

"It's like I entered some sort of dimension" Leo thought to himself, looking at everyone who was wearing worn out, dirty clothing.

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