Leo's past

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Leo's older sister sighed as she took a seat and looked down, she then explained "you all know that Leo doesn't talk a lot, right?" 

Everyone nodded, meaning they knew and his older sister then says "it all started when Leo was younger..."

N then interrupts Leo's sister as he asks "who's this?" Pulling out the newspaper with the women on it that Leo had a picture of. 

Leo's older sister's eyes open in shock as she asks "h-how do you know who she is?" 

"I saw a picture of her in Leo's bedroom but it was weird that he had a picture of a women who's been missing for ten years...when we asked him who she was, he wouldn't answer." N explains. 

"Alright...well she's in Leo's past as well..." 

Leo's sister then continues to say "well...I'm not Leo's actual sister...I'm actually his cousin. Leo came to live with us when he was eight. When Leo was younger, he used to live in this apartment and he was never allowed to come out."

"He never went to school, he couldn't go out to play with friends because...well, he had no friends because he never left his house once, ever since birth."

"That woman in the picture is Leo's actual older sister. There was a huge age gap between them because his mother had a 'mistake' when she was younger." 

"I don't know much about Leo's past because he was never let out of his house so I never saw him once in all his childhood years until he was let out. His parents never took pictures of him when he was a baby or made videos, so none of us know how he looks like as a baby..." 

"What about his parents, why wouldn't they let him out of the house?" Hongbin asks, curiously. 

"I'm not too sure about that either. I heard from my father when he was talking to someone over the phone about the situation that my aunt and uncle never liked Leo or his older sister. They thought they should have never had children but they knew they couldn't get rid of them so they hid them in the house. The other thing was, they would abuse Leo and his older sister..." 

"The police and my father came to the apartment because the neighbors were making a complain, saying they heard screaming from this room so they called the police. When the police came, they found Leo with his mouth duck taped and his hands tied in rope. His father had his belt in one hand and his mother watching from behind, giving Leo a glare..." 

Everyone was shocked once they heard what had happened.

"Both his parents are now in jail but from what I remember I think they're coming out of jail in a couple more months because they served their time. When the police got there though, Leo's older sister was nowhere to be found and our first thought was that Leo's parents killed her and they were going to kill Leo next, but Leo's parents had just said she ran away." 

"When Leo's parents went to jail, Leo was put to live with us but we were like strangers to him since we've never seen him before so he was really scared of us and would shake like crazy whenever we tried talking to him. He was always at the back of the room in a corner somewhere because he was scared that we would hurt him." 

"We took Leo to counselling right after he got out of that apartment but he wouldn't say anything to the councillor at first until a couple months in and he slowly started to open up. The councillor got him to start talking, and she even convinced him that we weren't a threat. He was alright with us ever since then but he didn't like strangers because he felt like everyone was out to get him and that they all wanted to hurt him."

"After time passed with people coming to our house for parties and so forth he got a little more comfortable around strangers but not so comfortable that he would have a proper conversation with them. Around the house I was the one he was close to the most, so the councillor asked me to ask him what really happened to his older sister because everyone was still wondering where she was." 

"When I asked Leo that, he told me that when they were sleeping one night, in the middle of the night she was escaping through the window. He said how he caught her and asked what she was doing and said she was going to leave and find help, she said she'd come back with help to get him but she never did. He said when the police came that day; he thought it was because his sister contacted them, he didn't know she was missing." 

"He then started telling me how his sister was his favorite person in the world because she would protect him from his parents so she had a lot more wounds on her body, but now that she was missing no one was there to 'protect him' so he felt even more intimidated." 

"Police say that they think she died somewhere because she had no money on her, her clothes were like paper thin because Leo also mentioned she was only wearing a pajama with no shoes or socks, and her pajama pants were a thin layer with a tank top. At the time Leo's older sister left, it was in the winter and everything was snowing then, it was below 0 degrees and if anyone went out like that, they'd definitely freeze to death, so police thought she was dead. The only thing that didn't add up was that her body was nowhere to be found."

Everyone was in utter shock with Leo's past and the reason why he never talked. "Wait, you're saying Leo's parents are getting out of jail soon...where are they even going to go?" Ravi asks, confused. 

"Since they have nowhere to go, they'll be coming to our house...I think that's one of the main reasons why my father let Leo move out..." 

Leo's older sister then continues to say "It's not like I don't want Leo living here with you guys, but Leo has a lot of bad, horrible, memories in his apartment...he was beaten and abused, so much so that he couldn't even talk. The councillor he went to always told him not to go back to a place like this, but he never listens. He said he wants to overcome his fear and finally be able to make friends, so he came back here to overcome them but in all honesty it might be the death of him." 

Everyone looked at each other concerned and thanked Leo's older sister for telling them but all she could do was sigh yet again. She then continues to say "I have to go now, I have plans with my family...I'll keep in touch" she says before she gets up and leaves the apartment.

Everyone was silent for a couple minutes before Ken then says "It's kind of awkward living here, knowing Leo was abused in the same place..." 

"It's okay kids...when Leo comes back we have to support him in any way we can" N explains. 

"Does he know his parents are getting out of jail though" Hongbin asks. 

"No, I don't think we should tell him either...it can put him in shock" N explains and everyone nodded meaning they understood what N meant. 


short chapter, I know but at least your suspense is answered...and yes, Leo might meet his parents again (by accident.) Thank you for reading this chapter and thank you for being so patient, waiting for a new chapter.  

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