Yandere Smiling Critter GF X Male Reader

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Requested by - Dracunyan1987

Information by Dracunyan1987 - well let's say that Y/n visits playtime co and suddenly the smiling critters and GF stalk him when he makes his way to Playcare and when they get to Y/n, catnap uses his sleeping gas to put Y/n to sleep and Y/n soon finds himself in a Promotion Mario style world with Bobby Bearhug and GF at the news stand, making Y/n rap battle against the until the end of the song and during the song where Bobby Bear did the stanley part, Y/n sees a different Smiling Critter that is actually him and when he wakes up from the nightmare, he is locked up in a cage (where Dogday is held captive and GF is in charge of turning him into a smiling critter (BF smiling critters) so she can have him as a boyfriend and live with the smiling critters forever.

Some extra Information by Dush20 - Before he visit Playtime Co at a later point he was one of the very few children in Play Care. He wasn't treated very nicely and was always left out making him an outcast. He would often just walk away from the group with a frown on his face until he saw a Smiling Critter Toy with an Auburn Color Design and kept it with him since it was a limited edition from the looks of it and it was the only one made. He also wanted to have a real friend and not a make believe friend or have false hope.

One-Shot begins in...





3rd POV

A long time ago when Playtime Co was around Elliot Ludwig wanted to expand his toys to have children be in a sort of play place.

Things were going somewhat smooth with the toys on the upper levels as well as the Play Care underground and he had his employees make sure things were going very well.

He found a toy on the ground which seemed to be hidden in an unusual place and his nose tickled a bit as he noticed that it had a really soothing Cherry scent and he kept it safe as well as clean it when he needed to do, so. He wasn't aware that a Smiling Critter was watching him and at the time and when he was leaving the Playcare due to a certain age

The Yandere was in the shadows and watched him leave, but he when he was gone she immediately met with the others and they had caused chaos as well as get, so many things destroyed in the process.

This horrible day was known as The Hour Of Joy where, so many lives were lost and all the employees were dead leaving the toys and many experiments alive as well as take over Playtime Co.

So many deaths and so many lives were taken away, but the creature was making it's way to a security room and watched the cameras and noticed Y/N was on one of them as he was and noticed the name tag making the creature remember him and keep it in her head.

If he somehow returned here again after time or perhaps a few years at most of the right age she could technically keep him and if he was going to die she could turn him into a smiling critter.

Actually she would have a moment to inspect him first and see what his age is and if he is 18 or just a bit older she could pamper him, but she ALSO needed to get rid of some competition who would dare to look at HER Y/N the wrong way or even think they could CLAIM him if she had anything to say about it.

She was also happy Y/N found the smiling critter toy of herself and was more then okay to let him keep it. She was also touched that he thought of the toy as his only friend after seeing how sad and lonely he was. It made her feel proud she was helping, but she had to be ready when he would return one day and she was willing to wait of he wasn't of the right age when arriving.

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