Fan SkyBlue X Gamer Male Reader

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Requested by - Firemurder555768

Info: Y/N was a friend of SkyBlue, they met one day at the park, the two chatted about their favorite hobbies, when Y/N said gaming, SkyBlue was fangirl screaming saying she is her biggest fan. Y/N was flattered at first, but day by day they became real good friends. And exchanged numbers.

Months later, they slowly started having feelings for one another, so Y/N texted SkyBlue to meet him at the park and she agreed. Y/N got to the park before SkyBlue, so he waited for a few minutes and then she arrived. SkyBlue asked why did he want to meet here. Slowly, Y/N was a blushing red mess until he said: Blue I love you! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, so could you please be my girlfriend?

Skyblue was blushing deep red and her
heart was pounding, she said: yes I will!

She hugged him and then kissed him on the lips

Y/n said this is the best day of his life and they both left for their first date.

Years later, they got married and had a great life together.

The end.

Some info by Dush20.

Y/N's Casual Attire - Your choice

Y/N's Gaming Attire - Your choice

Y/N's Hair Color - Your choice

Y/N's Left Eye Color - Ruby Red

Y/N's Right Eye Color - Blue Sapphire

Y/N's Hair Style - Same as Luigi

Y/N's Height - SkyBlues shoulders

G/N|Gamer Name - Your choice

One-Shot Begins in...





3rd POV

It was quite a sunny day today as we see a nice looking teenager taking a walk and heads into a park he always favored as it makes him feel safe and quite happy as well as relaxed.

The flowers here were very special as normal people who come here don't know about it, but you can tell they are actually from another dimension.

This teenager who is smelling the flowers is known as Y/N and he liked the way a flower smells since they have such a unique way of working.

His favorite flower is the roses since they always have a very nice scent that he found very pleasant.

He wasn't aware that someone was watching him at the time when he always came to this park and he didn't seem to care as he was just going with the motion or rather letting things just happen and decide how to go from there.

Day after day he was doing things as usual which was his normal life as a gamer. He wasn't just any gamer.


Y/N: Alright and done.

He uploaded his newest video, but immediately he got more likes and subscribers once it was up.

He did however get fan mail here and there, but he was mainly surprised to see that there was one letter and package from a specific fan which he found unique and very interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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