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(My second story🥳🥳 haven't gotten many view on the first story but it's okay)
(No smut just kissing, hugging and cuddling.) (not sexualizing any of the actors or characters I'm just writing)(I wrote this during school)(I will try to make this story between 1000 and 1500 words🤗🤗)(if you have any requests please comment them)( there is a little part in Spanish but it's gunna be translated for you)                      Word count:1528

Wilhelm pov:

I woke up today with a cough and a sore throat, I got up and had a massive headache. I slowly walked to the bathroom and grabbed a cup of water. I looked in the mirror and I looked paler than usual, my nose was also a little red. I walked to my curtains and closed them. I stumbled over to my bed and laid down.

Malin comes and knocks on my door

"May I remind you breakfast is starting soon" she said

"Thanks Malin" I replied

I picked up my phone and scrolled through instagram for a bit, after about 20 minutes I got a call from Simon 

"Hey love are you ok" he asked when I picked up the phone

"No I'm a little sick so I'm gunna stay in my dorm today" I replied

"Are you hungry?" He asked

"No I'm fine right now" I replied

"Do you want me to come over" he asked

"Yes please" I stated

"Ok I will be there soon"

I hung up the phone and waited

Simon's pov:

I grabbed a glass of water and some toast just in case Wille got hungry. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door

"Come in" I hear Wille say

I open the door and see Wille laying on his bed. I walk over to his bed and put the food and water down on his desk. I look over at him and smile, he smiles back. I kiss his forehead and grab his hand. I grab some of his hair and twirl it around my fingers.

"Do u want me to turn on the tv" I ask him

He nods, and I turn on his favorite movie. Once I lay on his bed he lays his head on his chest and grabs my hand, I kiss his head and he looks up and smiles at me. About 15 minutes into the movie sara calls me

"Where are you" she asks

"Wilhelm is sick right now I'm in his dorm taking care of him"

"Ok, I will see you tonight" she said

"Ok bye" I said

She hung up on me, and I look down at Wille. He was sleeping already, I kissed his head again and put my right hand on his back. I turned off the movie because I didn't really like it. I looked down at Wilhelm and stared at him until I fell asleep.

I woke up to Wille sitting up and coughing.

"You ok sweetie" I ask him

"Mhm" he replies

"Do you need anything" I ask him

"Can you pass me that glass of water"

I reach over and pass him the glass of water, he takes it and drinks out of it. I grab it back from his hand when he is done, and put it back in the counter. He leans his head on my shoulder and starts talking, I love when he just starts talking about random stuff like tv shows. I place my hand on his back and start rubbing it. He stands up and walks over to his chair next to his bed. He grabs the toast I grabbed him earlier and started eating it.

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