Panic attack

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(Hi guys I'm back)(⚠️mentions of depression, suicide, panic attacks, self-harm, and bullying⚠️)(not trying to sexualize these actors or characters just writing)(I will try to make this story around 1500 words like my other stories) (please comment any ideas if you have them🙏🙏) (no smut just hugging , cuddling and kissing)(my longest story🥳🥳 all of the anxiety Wille is feeling is what I have seen from the show plus my personal experiences)(this is my favorite part I have written)               Word count: 2042

Simon pov:
When I woke up I was dreading the fact that I have a huge presentation due today. I woke up about 30 minutes before I usually would to catch the earlier bus. I can't take any chances being late to my first class. I made sure I had all my papers straight and in my bag. I get dressed and put my shoes on. I walked out to see my mom making breakfast.

"Hola mi amour" my mom says

"Good morning mom" I reply back to her

"Your breakfast is on the table" she stated

As she points to the plate of food on the table

"Thanks mom" I reply to her point

Just seconds later Sara comes out of her room and sits at the table. Clearly me and Sara have the same idea of being early today.

"Hola mi amour" mom said to Sara

"Morning mom" Sara replied

"Your breakfast will be out soon"

"Ok thanks mom"

A couple of minutes later my mom hands Sara a plate of food. Sara eats it pretty fast. As soon as I'm done eating I check my bag one more time to make sure I have everything. As soon as Sara finished eating we rushed out the door to try to make the earlier bus. Once we got on the bus me and Sara sat in the back. I texted Wilhelm and asked him if he wanted to sit together for our class. It only took him a few seconds to respond.

Do you want to sit together in class?

Sure, I will be there a little early

Me too🤗🤗

"Ohhh who are you texting" Sara asked

"Oh it's nobody"

"Nobody huh?"


"Are you texting the prince again?"


We both started giggling, there was pretty much nobody in the bus but us. The bus stopped and we were outside the gates of hillerska. We walked inside to see people still in breakfast. When I got to the classroom I saw Wille sitting down bitting his nails. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand out from his mouth and placed my hand on his shaking leg.

Wilhelm pov:

About 5 minutes after I arrived to class, I see Simon and Sara walk in laughing. Simon walks over to me and takes the hand I was biting out of my mouth and placed his hand on my shaking leg. Being completely honest I didn't even know I was doing it.

"You will do great Wille" Simon says

I guess he can tell that I am really nervous.

"Mhm" I mumble back to him

He leans his head on my shoulder and I lean my head on his. Every second I think about presenting it makes me feel dizzy and it gets harder to breath. When I start trying to breath harder Simon looks at me.

"Honey it's gunna be ok, I believe in you. I know you can do this.

I look at him and smile, he smiles back. The door swings open and people start rushing in. As the teacher walked in we all stand up. We sit back down and begin the presentations. Simon was one of the first people to go. I just don't get how it is so easy for him to do all of these presentations and choir shit without panicking before.

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