Meeting Reneé

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Y/n's pov

Today is the day I move into my college dorm at ucla. To say I'm nervous is an understatement, I can't stop thinking who my new roommate is going to be. As I'm pulling my suitcase behind me I feel my hands start to shake, I ignore it and keep walking surfing through people to get towards my dorm.

I arrive at the door and take a deep breath before knocking. I decided to knock because I didn't want to be rude to my new roommate. "Ugh one second" I heard from the other side of the door. Well they sound nice. What a good first impression y/n.
The door swings open and my eyes meet beautiful blue-green ones. I didn't want to be rude and stare so I quickly said "Uh h-hi I'm your new roommate, my names y/n" great now I'm stuttering. "Oh you could've just walked in baby this is your dorm too" she responds and walks back into the dorm. Why'd she call me baby? I'm not complaining though.
"Oh okay" I say as I walk in behind her. The dorm was pretty spacious for just 2 people. There's a living room, kitchen, balcony and bathroom thankfully. I hate communal bathrooms. There was only one bedroom though. That didn't make sense to me but okay then. Why have this big of a dorm but only 1 bedroom? "So there's only one bedroom are you okay with that?" She says to me as shes walking into the living room "Uh yeah that's fine" I say awkwardly. "Are you okay? You're not talking much" she says as she looks at me from the couch and me standing a couple feet away from her. Ugh I hate that question. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous and I also don't know you" I say and laugh awkwardly trying to hide my shaking hands. But she noticed "Oh I'm so sorry, I'm Reneé. Come sit I can see you're shaking" she says softly. I obey and sit on the couch still leaving a decent amount of room since it's a big couch. "So what's your major?" I say getting more comfortable around her. "Marine Biology, I'm actually only going to be here for half the school year I'm going on the semester at sea" ( I know I know this isn't true for ucla I'm just making it up) "oh shit no way, I am too" I replied turning my body to face her "really??" She asks excitedly, I nod in response. "We should be roommates there I think you can still pick them yourself" she says reaches for her laptop on the coffee table and opens it. "Oh wait only if you want too, I don't want you to feel like you have to if you're not comfortable with it, if you want I can not pick and just have administration choose-" I cut Reneé off from rambling "No it's okay we can be roommates for semester at sea" I say laughing which she joins in on too. "Okay cool" she says smiling and picking me as her roommate on her laptop. "I should probably start unpacking now" I say getting up and walking towards our shared bedroom "Okay I gotta go meet up with some friends I'll bring back some pizza if that's okay" Reneé says and gets up towards the front door. "Yeah that's great thank you" I reply from the bedroom starting to pack my stuff aways in my closet. "No problem see ya later" she says and leaves the dorm. I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends. I got really comfortable around her fast and she trusts me alone in the dorm where all her stuff is. I mean not that she shouldn't trust me but whatever 😭

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It's been 3 months (i know it's a big jump 😭) at ucla and me and Reneé have gotten really close. I'm even friends with some her friends she introduced me too since I don't know many people here. I'm sitting on the couch in the morning before I go to class watching friends on Netflix. "Y/n" Reneé says quietly as she stands in the doorframe of our bedroom which is behind me so I can't see her. I turn around and see her crying "Nae what's wrong come here" I say holding my arms out which she quickly falls into. I start softly running my hands through her hair and whisper "what's wrong my love?" She sniffles and replies "I'm just stressed with school" my heart broke. I hate seeing her cry. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I say softly and kiss her on the head "No just hold me" she whispers and snuggles closer into me. "Okay Nae" I say gently and start rubbing her back to comfort her.

It's the end of the day and I decided to skip class so I could be with Reneé. We spent the day cuddling and watching movies. That's what we're still doing. Reneé's head is on my lap and she's covered in a blanket. I'm playing with her hair just enjoying each others company. "Y/n" she says then yawns "yes Nae?" I reply "can we go to bed I'm tired" she says and gets up starting to fold the blanket "leave the blanket till tomorrow let's go to bed" I say turning off the tv and holding my hand for her to grab. She drapes the blanket over the couch grabs my hand and I walk into the bedroom. Reneé goes into her bed and I lightly tuck her in before turning off the light going over to my bed but Reneé stops me "wait" I turn around and look at her "yeah?" I reply
"Can you sleep with me tonight I don't want to be alone" she says and looks up at me. Our beds are like 5 feet away from each other but hey I'm not complaining 🤷🏼‍♀️ I want Reneé to be comfortable and feel safe. "Okay Nae" I say giving in and walk up to her bed going under the covers. Reneé giggles and cuddles into my chest "Goodnight" She says yawning and closing her eyes "Goodnight Reneé" I say as I close my eyes too and we both drift off into a deep sleep.

1060 words

I'm sorry that sucked I didn't know what to write 😭😭
I might make a pt 2 where they're in semester at sea lmk if you want to see that.
(Not proof read)

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