Airplane Seat

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Finally it's time to go back home to LA after visiting family in London. I'm exhausted. I love the city but Los Angeles is so much more my vibe, I couldn't see myself living anywhere else.

I decided to buy first class tickets for the trip back to treat myself a little since the seat I got, going to London was terrible. I board the flight and after asking where to go and I'm directed to first class. I get there and find my seat, only to see someone sitting in it "Um excuse me I think you're in my seat" I try to say trying not to sound rude "Oh sorry the flight attendant told me to sit here because there were no more seats left in economy" the lady says sweetly. I look for a flight attendant and nicely call her over "hi! How can I help?" The flight attendant says smiling. The lady sitting down speaks for the both of us

"a flight attendant told me to sit here because there are no more seats left in economy, and this is her seat but I'm happy to move somewhere else" she says "oh no it's okay you're already sitting down I can sit somewhere else" I intervene. She smiles up at me kindly and I return it. The flight attendant looks around and says "it looks like there's another first class seat right over there" pointing to the empty seat a few rows down. I look to where she's pointing and I see the empty seat right next to the most breathtaking woman. Her blonde her falls perfectly as she's looking down at what I'm assuming is her phone. I quickly say thank you the flight attendant and make my way over to the empty seat.

"Uh hey is this seat taken? The flight attendant told me to sit here since my seat was taken over there," I say looking back and pointing to my old seat "do you mind?" I say nicely, hoping she'd say yes "No it's not taken, I don't mind" she says not looking up from her phone

"o-kay" I say very quietly as put my bag in the overhead compartment and then go to sit in my new seat, which I had to pass her to get into since it was a window seat and she has the aisle. The pilot then makes an announcement telling everyone to put their seatbelts on because the plane is about to take off. I put my seatbelt on and take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I've always been afraid of flying but for some reason I always end up going on airplanes. You'd think it would get easier the more you fly, but no. I start breathing a little heavier and play with the rings on my hands. The blonde who has since turned her phone on airplane mode and put it away, looked over and noticed I was anxious "hey are you okay?" She asks slightly whispering gently "yeah I'm fine I'm just scared of flying" I say not looking at her, trying to control my breathing "you shouldn't have gotten on a 11 hour flight then" she says slightly laughing trying to lighten the mood "thanks for your advice I'll remember it when I need to get on a flight home again." I say not making sense, letting the anxiety take over me and my breathing becoming irregular as I feel the plane start to make its way down the runway

"hey it's okay" she says calmly and quietly, taking my hand into hers, her thumb gently tracing over my knuckles. I finally look up at her and see she has the most beautiful blue green eyes, I immediately get butterflies.

My gaze shifts down to her lips and I quickly look down not wanting to make it weird, her doing the same. We both look at our hands and she's still slowly tracing her thumb back and forth on the back of my hand, trying to comfort me. I didn't even realize my breathing had slowed down until now. Something about her makes me feels weirdly safe around her. I look back up at her and we make eye contact again

"What's your name?" She says sweetly "y/n. Yours?" I ask as well. She looks a little surprised but it quickly turns into a smile 'what was that about?' I think but brush it off as she starts speaking "Reneé" she answers smiling. I didn't notice that the plane was already in the air, I was to busy talking to Reneé to even care at this point. I didn't know why I was so drawn to her.

We spent the next half hour getting to know each other and sharing funny stories. I learned from observing, that Reneé loves to flirt and it's just apart of her personality, which I'm not complaining about. I also learned that she says anything she wants to and couldn't give less of a fuck. Honestly vibe. The whole time we were talking we didn't realize that we were still holding hands, her still rubbing the back of mine subconsciously. I notice and look down, gently squeezing her hand before letting go and looking back up at her who's still talking about a funny story that happened with her and her friends. She felt me squeeze her hand she starts blushing and trying to continue talking. I giggle "you're blushing Reneé" I say teasingly as she covers her face giggling as well. I think she just got 10 times cuter. I slightly reach over and pull her hands down from her face "don't hide your face it's cute" I say the both of us still giggling, She has the prettiest smile "so you think I'm cute?" She asks smiling. Damn okay bold. "Definitely" I reply smiling too. Cause why lie?

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