Reneé Talks About Y/n In A Interview

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Reneé has been travelling a lot for the Mean Girls press tour, which means I'm alone most of the time. Don't get me wrong I love alone time but I've been feeling lonely without her here. So my way of feeling less lonely is watching Reneé's interviews. Sometimes it's just her and sometimes it's the whole casts and this time it's the cast and her. This is the casts last interview for the press tour but I still have no idea when Reneé's coming home. I'm not quite sure what city they're all in because Reneé hasn't told me yet, she usually always updates me on where she is and letting me know shes safe but she must've forgotten to today. I cuddle up on the couch in a blanket with my cat clover purring beside me (Idk what to name the cat🤷🏼‍♀️) and click on the live interview of them on the TV. I see Reneé's face on the tv and I instantly smile, I look around at everyone else and they are all smiling. "This is a really well casted group of people" I say out loud to myself. Even though I've seen and met the whole cast before. They casted the Mean Girls movie very well and every character really played the part perfectly.

The interviewer started asking the group questions about how their day was and how they're liking the press tour. As the interview went on I could see everyone getting more comfortable in the interview and opening up and speaking more. The interviewer asked Reneé what her least favourite interview has been so far and she dramatically exhaled before starting to answer. I laughed slightly at her actions and listened to what she was about to say "Well there was this one interviewer that I had awhile ago, who could not take a hint, that I did not like them. In the way they wanted me to" she says emphasizing the could not and waving her hands in the air slightly as she's speaking.

I listened closely at what she was saying and started to get a little upset. Maybe a little protective over Reneé?

Reneé continued to speak "so I eventually just, straight up told them 'dude back off, I'm in a relationship, I am very happy in that relationship, my girlfriend is amazing and you need to, piss, the fuck, off.' Then he did and it's fine now" she said reciting what she had said to that other interviewer she had awhile ago and smiling at the end as she spoke.

The feeling quickly disappeared into a proud feeling that Reneé talks about me in interviews and always says what she wants to and doesn't care. I can't believe I get to call her mine

"Reneé will do anything to bring up her girlfriend" Jaquel says, then adds "But that's okay because we love her" and smiles at the end "y/n if you're watching this, we love you"Angourie says blowing a kiss towards the camera and the rest of the cast do the same, well all saying stuff along the lines of 'I love you' and 'I miss you' I smile brightly at the TV tearing up a little bit from the kind gesture. Reneé was smiling too and blowing kisses towards camera. The interviewer is smiling and slightly laughing at everybody "Well Reneé since you have such an amazing girlfriend do you care to tell us a little about her?" He says nicely "Well as all of you know my girlfriend y/n, which I know she's watching this right now, hello my love" she says looking at the camera waving then blows a kiss towards it. I smile and wave back blowing a kiss, not that she can see me though. "She is the absolute sweetest person on earth, she has helped me through so much, sometimes not even knowing. Just her being there and being around me puts me at ease. I feel like I can be myself around her and not have to change in anyway because she truly loves me for me, and we've been through so much together and have come out stronger in our relationship and just life in general, she has taught me so many amazing things and lessons in life and I can't wait to hopefully spend the rest of my life with her, I love her so much" Reneé has a grateful and loving smile on her face the whole time thinking about everything we've gone through together. I'm pretty much crying at this point with everything that she's said about me. I'm so grateful to have her in my life I genuinely would be lost without her.

"Well I think you've found the one Reneé" the interviewer says smiling at how Reneé talks about you.

"Definitely" she replies confidently as she's leaning back with arms crossed and she bops her head as she says it, a playful smiling tugging at her lips.

The interview goes on and eventually comes to an end. The interviewer turns to the camera and says
"Okay everyone that was the incredible cast of Mean Girls The Musical" he says gesturing with extended arms to towards the cast "Thank you all so much for watching this live interview, thank you to the cast for being here and Reneé's gotta get home to her girlfriend and we will see you all later" the interviewer says pointing to Reneé as he mentions her name and she looks at the camera blowing a final kiss, then everyone says bye to the live and waving.

The live ended and I turned off the TV. I pulled out my phone to text Reneé


That was really cute what you said about me in the interview. ;)

She replies quickly

You deserve it baby❤️ miss you xxoo

Miss you more love. 💕
Nae💖 favourited your message

I smile at my phone before putting it away and head upstairs into my bedroom. I sigh as I walk into my bathroom connected to the bedroom, starting the shower and removing my clothes. I step in and adjust the temperature until it's slightly hot. I really miss Reneé. I think to myself. It's been a little over a month which isn't that long compared to tour or when she was filming but we would go visit each other every now and then during that time so I was missing her a little more. I stay in the shower for about an hour just thinking before I decide to get out and do my skincare. I wrap my hair in a towel and a separate one around my body. As I'm doing my skincare I hear a noise in the bedroom from behind the closed bathroom door. I disregard it as it probably being my cat and continue with my bedtime routine. 5 minutes later I have my hair all brushed out and my night routine done. I still have a towel wrapped around my body as I walk out into the bedroom. I look at the bed and gasp covering my mouth. Sitting on the bed is my beautiful girlfriend with her hands reaching out to hug me "hi baby!" She says excitedly as I run into her arms throwing both of us back onto the bed "what are you doing here???" I say confused looking at her as I pull away from our tight embrace but still holding her "the interview I just had was here like 15 minutes away and that's why I didn't tell you where I was because I wanted to surprise you!" She says smiling the whole time explaining to me. I pout then hug her again
"I missed you so much" I say into her chest. She giggles and kisses my shoulder before replying "I missed you too sweet girl"

That night we stayed in each others arms cuddling well we watched the show friends, just enjoying each others company until we eventually drifted into a deep sleep, relaxed by being around each other again.

1349 words

Sorry for my bad writing it'll get better eventually 😭
Lmk what y'all think and comment want other stuff you wanna see! 🙃
Don't forget to vote it really helps❤️

Love you all drink something, eat something and get some sleep tonight 💕

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