"But you're Taylor Swift's daughter" PART 1

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Okayyyyyyy so we're trying something a little different (Reneé is still in this one tho!)

basically Taylor is your legal guardian and you live with her, she's not your real mom (you can pretend she is if you want) and she's very protective over you especially when it comes to the media. {Reneé is younger in this one}
Also your name in this is Lorelei (you can imagine a different name if you want (: )

Okay enjoy (:

I'm upstairs in my room bored as hell waiting for Reneé to come over. Reneé basically lives here now with how much she's over, but hey I'm not complaining. I haven't seen her in a good week because she's been busy with starting mean girls on broadway (just pretend she was younger when she started it)

"Lei!" I heard Taylor call from downstairs. I asume Reneé's here and I run down the stairs. I go into the kitchen because that's where they usually are. I expected to see Reneé digging through the fridge stealing my snacks I hide, but instead I found no one "Tay?" I called out confused "In the living room! Come here and look how cute Benji's being" I roll my eyes but can't help but laugh. I walk into the living room connected to the kitchen and see Taylor and Benjamin on the couch Benji in Taylor's arms like a baby "oh my god" I laugh at them and Taylor joins in.

"you really are a crazy cat lady" I say "yep and proud" she replies confidently. Then adds "I want another one too" "that reminds me, we should get a dog" I say playfully, teasing her because I know she's not a dog person. She barely puts up with kitty, her mom's dog. But they have an understanding. Taylor just looks up at me, looking through her eyebrows, giving me a fake death stare. Me and Tay both burst out laughing and Benjamin jumps out of her arms, running away.

I sit down beside her on the couch and throw my legs over hers. "I'm so bored" I say, laying on the couch
"Didn't you wanna redo your room?" Tay asks
"Yeah but I don't know if I want to yet" I answer
"You gotta get out more" Taylor saying slightly laughing. I sit up and look at Taylor "there's like no where I can go without the media seeing me or it not being safe" I reply "there's places you can go, you just gotta have security with you" Tay says "yeah yeah" I say dismissing it

"Hey guys" Reneé says walking in to the living room, eating cookies Taylor made yesterday "when did you get here?" I ask as I jump up and throw myself around Reneé hugging her. She giggles "like 5 minutes ago, I wanted to steal snacks first" I roll my eyes playfully at her and let her go. Taylor stands up and hugs Reneé as well "how's broadwayyy" Tay says nudging her shoulder into Reneé's "It's goodddd"she answers "but I'll talk about it later, right now I just wanna decompress" she adds as she plops down on the couch

"come on let's go to my room" I say dragging her off the couch. "Yes! Your bed's so comfy" she perks up and leaves to go to my room, not bothering to wait for me since she basically lives here. I laugh to myself and look at Taylor who's slightly laughing too "have fun, I'm gonna be at the studio with Jack for awhile" she says while grabbing her keys "kk Tay" I reply and she kisses me on the cheek "remember don't-" "don't leave the house unless security is with you don't post anything showing where you are until you leave blah blah blah I know Tay don't worry" I say cutting her off "I'm just trying to protect you" Taylor says as she pulls me in for a tight hug "I know Tay, thank you" she pulls away and smiles at me, grabbing her keys and making her way to the door "bye Tay be safe love you" she blows a kiss to me in return and makes her way out the door

I go upstairs and into my room, only to see Reneé cozied up in my bed "you really do love my bed" I say playfully. She lifts up the blanket and says "come here I put on your favourite movie" I smile and get into bed as well "softie" I say as Reneé wraps her arms around me "shut up" she replies and we both laugh

2 hour time skip

The movie ended and I'm laying at the end of my bed while Reneé is on my floor scrolling through her phone. "Ughhhh I'm so bored I wanna go out and do something besides just sitting here" I say annoyed "let's go do something then" Reneé replies "Oh wait, security." She adds "yeah." I say "you know we can just go with them I'm sure we won't even notice them" Reneé says. I groan "just once I wanna go somewhere without anyone eyeing me down like a hawk." It's not that I hate Taylor's security, I actually really like them and they're amazing at their job but I wish I could just go somewhere without someone following me. Whether that's paparazzi, fans or security. I always feel tied down whenever I go in public because my every move is always being watched.

"Hey what if we. Sneak out?" I ask

"But you're Taylor Swift's daughter" Reneé replies.

"Yeah so?" I ask "the second you try to leave, the security guards are gonna be right there asking you a million questions" Reneé says "so then we'll go out my window" I reply nonchalantly "you're crazy" Reneé says standing up "but let's do it" she adds, shrugging her shoulders "yes! Let's go" I jump up and run to my closet to find something else to wear

"This better be a good idea Leilei."

927 words

Part 1! I decided to do 2 parts instead of one really long one, sorry :/
Part 2 I'll probably start tonight, and finish then publish it tomorrow. Do we like it so far? Lmk💕
Don't forget to vote and you should follow me on Wattpad
Love you all eat and drink something and get some sleep tonight 💗

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