Semester At Sea

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(Little bit of a longer chapter)

Finally it's time to go on Semester At Sea, I've been wanting to do this since I started High School and we had those classes to consider different colleges in the future. Here I am now packing for Semester At Sea but there's a problem. Reneé.

(Little Back Story)
1 month into the first semester me and Reneé became friends with benefits. We both were and still are in the closet. Me because I don't want people to think differently about me and Reneé because she
'Has a reputation to up hold' okay then.
(Lmk if you want me to do a one shot we're they come out to each other)
We still had a great friendship which we were both grateful for and we both agreed to keep feelings out of hooking up. But about 3.5 weeks ago I told Reneé that I don't want to just have meaningless sex anymore and I wanted to stop hooking up. Reneé seemed kinda hurt by that and she hasn't talked to me since, and we're literally roommates but she does everything to avoid me. Anytime I try to talk to her she completely ignores me and won't look at me. I don't know why she decided to just completely not talk to me but here we are. It's almost been a whole month since she's talked to me. And we're about to be roommates in the middle of the Ocean.

I sigh as I look at Reneé who's standing on her side of the room packing all her stuff into a suitcase. I feel tears threatening to fall but I shake my head and go back to packing one of my suitcases as the other ones already packed, they're letting us bring 2 suitcases and 1 back pack/duffel bag plus a travel bag for when we go off the ship to explore, because we are gonna be gone for 3 months. (Just pretend it's that long I don't know how long it is irl) I can't find one of my hoodies and I start to get frustrated looking for it. I'm already having a bad day because I figured Reneé would have to be talking to me by now but nope. I've been looking for the one hoodie for a good 20 minutes now and I can tell I'm about to start crying. I never cry often, only when I'm really upset or frustrated. Today I was both and I barely slept last night. Great.

"Ugh where the fuck is it, the one thing I'm looking for!" I say loudly super annoyed. I sit on the bed defeated and Reneé looks over to my bed. I don't look over at her not wanting to give her any attention. She leans down and reaches under my bed pulling out the hoodie I was looking for and throws to over to me. I catch it and look at her, for a split second we make eye contact but she quickly turns around and pretends nothing happened. I lost it.

(Tw: y/n yelling)
"Why the fuck won't you talk to me! It's almost been a month, a fucking month Reneé! What the fuck did I do so wrong that you won't even look at me! All I did was say I didn't wanna fuck anymore!" I shout from where I'm standing but she ignores me and zips up her suitcase then starts walking out of our bedroom.
(End of tw)

I groan and fall back on the bed.

Reneé is just walking out the door of the bedroom when I say quietly "I didn't wanna fuck anymore because I think I like you." I look up at the door and Reneé's gone.

'Jeez did I really say that out loud I'm glad she didn't hear me not that she would've said anything about it. She's making it her personal mission to pretend I don't exist.' I think in my head

(Time skip to the next morning)

Everyone going on Semester At Sea has to wake up at the absolute ass crack of dawn to get on the ship. They had administration knock on all of the dorm rooms who are going, to wake everyone up at 4am and the ship leaves at 6am. 'Why does the ship have to leave this early? We're not even doing anything the first 2 days as everyone gets settled in. And we're not travelling that far for our first stop.' I think to myself as we're all walking to get on the bus to go to the harbour and broad the ship. It's only a 45 minute bus ride so it's not that bad. I look to my left and see Reneé walking on the other side of everyone farthest away from me. She's definitely not a morning person and usually is very touchy in the morning and just wants to be close to me. Me semi being the same, but here we both are pretending we're strangers. We've only known each other for a little over 3 months why do I feel this hurt over it? It's not like I love her. I like her definitely as more than a friend though. "Okay everyone find seats but make sure you guys are sitting next to your roommate for Semester At Sea if they're on this bus" our head teacher says. Wonderful I have to sit right next to Reneé as she continues to pretend I don't exist and I just screamed at her yesterday. I huff and sit in the seat closest to the window. It's one of those busses that you'd see on dance moms or shows like that. They have separate seats but they're right next to each other. Reneé sits beside me and we both put our headphones on.

Reneé Rapp OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now