"Yeah. Definitely 'just friends' "

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What's up, sorry I haven't posted but here you go enjoy {it's a little short but more is coming soon (; }

Also, y'all should follow me on Wattpad🤷🏼‍♀️

(Y/n and Reneé are best friends with Finneas{Billie Eilishs brother} and his girlfriend Claudia)

Y/n's pov
(I apologize if I over explain 😭 I definitelyyy do)

Claudia and Finneas set the food down on the outdoor dining table, while Reneé and I sit waiting for them to be ready to eat. They had invited us to dinner at their house since we've haven't seen each other in a week or so. It really isn't that long but we usually see other everyday. Finn and Claudia sat down and we all started eating. Reneé and I always offer to help out with setting the table but they always refuse

"When are you guys gonna start dating already"
Claudia asks as she starts eating the home cooked meal. Damn this question again.

"Claud we told you, we're just friends" I reply as I slightly laugh and Reneé's blushing.

Claudia puts her hands up in denfense "you guys basically act like a couple already" she says laughing slightly as well.

She's not wrong about that. Me and Reneé are always holding hands or cuddling, arguing like a married couple, and little things like buying flowers on important dates. Reneé and I have known each other since we were in diapers and are friendship has kinda always been like that since at least as far as I remember. Are love language is definitely touch.

We will also sometimes go on "dates" but we haven't done anything more than that, we haven't even kissed.

I do like Reneé though. But that's something I'm never going to admit. What if she doesn't like me back? I'm not going to risk our friendship over that.

I'm caught up in my own thoughts as they conversate about random things. I feel a comforting hand on my thigh. I look to my right and see Reneé softly smiling at me. I can't help but smile back. Finneas and Claudia are giving their two dogs a little bit of their food, Reneé leans in and whispers in my ear "are you okay?" I look at her and nod, not wanting her to worry because it's really nothing. She nods back and squeezes my thigh gently before moving her hand away

We all finish eating before deciding to watch a movie a little later. Finn went down to his studio for a minute and Claudia was in the backyard with the dogs for a bit before we settle in for the night.

I sit on their kitchen counter, eating watermelon that I got from the fridge. "Hey baby" I hear Reneé say as she comes up to me. I smile and reply "hi Nae"
She stands in front of me, moving to stand in between my legs. I wrap my legs around her and she puts her hands on my hips.

Reneé starts taking "you know how outside you said that we're just friends?" She asks and I immediately tense up, scared of what she's trying to say "y-yeah?" Great now I'm stuttering. "What if-" she stops herself, nervous to say what she wants to. I relax a bit and put my hand on her arm trying to comfort her "Nae it's okay you can tell me" she sighs "what if I want to be more than friends." She says and scans my face for any signs of rejection. I sit there shocked and don't waste anytime to say

"I want to be more than friends too"

Her face lights up "you do?" I roll my eyes playfully "yes you idiot" Reneé and I both laugh.

As our laughter dies down, my eyes trail down to her lips and she quickly notices "if you wanna kiss me just do it" she says playfully. I blush and look down. Reneé tilts my chin up with her right hand, for my eyes to meet hers again. I waste no time connecting our lips together. It felt like the world stopped in that moment. And it was just us.

I moved my hands to sit comfortably, wrapped around her shoulders while her grip gently tightened around my waist. I sigh into the kiss and she smirks.

She gently pulls away and rests her forehead against mine. We sit in comfortable silence, smiling like idiots

"Yeah. Definitely 'just friends' "
We hear Claudia say from behind us. We both slightly jump and look over and see Finneas and Claudia. "When did Finneas get there?" I ask, ignoring what she said a second ago

We all burst out laughing and Reneé hides her face in the divot of my shoulder. Finn and Claudia walk over to us, me and Reneé still blushing from embarrassment "what does this mean for you guys now?" Finn asks curiously "you guys will never let that go" I say slightly giggling, Reneé doing the same. Finneas puts his hands up in defence "we're nosy, and our best friends are falling in love" he says, smirking at the last part

"oh my goodness Finn you're done" I say playfully, jumping off the counter and start to walk over to the couch, waiting for everyone to follow me so we can watch the movie. Before I can get far I hear "hey wait" I feel a hand grab my arm gently and turning me around, my eyes meeting Reneé's. I smile at how cute she's already being. She leans in and softly kisses me quickly. She pulls away and let's go of my arm 

"okay now we're good" she says with the biggest smile on her face, Finneas and Claudia are both saying "awwwwwww" I smile back at Reneé and look at Claudia and Finn "come on guys let's go watch the movie" I say rolling my eyes at them yet again but I can't help but smile and laugh at them

(1 hour time skip)

We're about half way through the 2 hour long movie and we're all cozied up on the couch. Finn and Claud on one side and Reneé and I on the other, with the dogs in the middle of the couch. Reneé's head is resting on my lap and I'm running my fingers through her hair while she traces shapes on my thigh. She moves her head so she's now resting on my chest, still watching the movie.

Today feels like a dream. Me and Reneé finally kissed. She's actually likes me back, I've waited for this moment for years.

I start to blush again just thinking about earlier. Reneé whispers so only I can hear "baby your heart is about to beat out of your chest, calm down" I try to stifle my laugh and whisper back "it's because of you" she giggles quietly "good to know I have that effect on you" "shut up" I say playfully and we continue watching the movie

I hope this lasts.

1115 words
Read the AN please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hopefully I start posting more. Also anyone want me to make any other celeb one shots? Like Taylor Swift Billie Eilish or maybe characters Reneé has played?

I really wanna do a Taylor one shot but I have no ideas pls lmk🙏🏼🙏🏼
don't forget to vote and comment it makes my day to see that you guys like my stories💕💕 also go check out my other books I'll be updating those soon and I loveeeeeeeeeee them sm
Take care of yourselves, eat and drink something today and get some sleep tonight I love you all💗

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